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Journal HomelessInLaJolla's Journal: 140109 (La Jolla, CA, 92037, war v7.102)

War in La Jolla, seventh year, one hundred and second entry

The monastic view of the world. They have given up the creature comforts, the little entertainments, the petty jokes and tiny games, they have given up such things for thousands of years, across the world, in every religion, and they know that the general population is truly the land of the hopeless faggitts. Over time, as they achieve tenure in their particular monastic setting, they begin to become amused and entertained by the games that the little faggitts play sticking their fingers and pinkies at each other in all sorts of places. What else are you going to do in this world? *sigh of bewildered amusement*

The new initia-ites, sir. They are failing the questions about the spongeblobs. For thousands of years the new initia-ites enter, they begin the program, they go through about the first eight months of prayer and routine, and as they encounter the spongeblobs in the alcoves then, around this month of the year, many of them begin asking the questions. We have the same answers we have given for thousands of years but, for some reason, somewhere in that carefully kept and developed and continuingly developing kernel of prayer in that regimen, they are missing the clues to the spongeblobs. This isn't a visitor's center. Is a very large operation. We cannot just schedule entire hordes of new initia-ites to make rounds to the polymorph areas three miles away. That's not part of their routine, it's not part of the polymorph's routine, it's not part of the routine of the three thousand seven hundred and twenty-five other religious that staff all of that monastery between there and here. Is an historical operation. The polymorphs have moved over there, they practically self-staff their own ranks for generations at a time, and the new initia-ites are admitted and trained in that compound on the complete other side. This isn't a visitor's center. We don't have free time to just uproot entire classes of individuals and move everybody else out of the way as we elephant them in to see carefully practiced choreographs that senior tenure generational upperclassmen have developed for a hundred thousand before that; like some slip-shod mensch university. This is a ten thousand year old monastery.

So. Out with the old spongeblobs and in with the new initia-ites. Send the old spongeblobs from the alcoves to the records department and have the eunuch division take care of them.

Sir. It's the Father Abram position. The mensch barbarians out in the general population have killed him again. Again? Yes, sir, again. Well, we still have his leftover blind eye. Send that to the records department and give it to the eunuch division to hold on to.

Sir. It's Zechariah, at the door, sir. The old soap pokie. The barbarians clamoring for candles and a light have killed him again. Again? Yes, sir, again. Well, we still have his leftover hand. Send that to the records department and give it to the eunuch division to hold on to. "HEY! WORKING CONDITIONS ARE GETTING CROWDED BACK HERE!"

Sir. It's the community. They have a runtling child. It cannot get it's voice to fill out and drop. We could tell them to send it to the sphinx; the old system is there if they so believe that they are doing it the right way. Ha! That's a good joke. What do they want? They want to know if we will take him in, help him through the numbers, get his voice to drop that he may procreate and keep up his lineage. Hey! How come that guy over there gets to mumble his prayers to himself? Oh, that's the runtling from the community. We're taking him in to help him that his lineage does not die out.


Sir. It's the community. They do not have many runtlings anymore. Thousands of years, we must have fixed them all or else they do not consider it to be an issue. This woman, here, though. She says her husband has gone runtling, cannot help her procreate, and that she has heard that we have learned the art to roll our own babies from scratch... from the eunuch in the records department compressing numbers... and she wants to know if... Oh yes, of course. Remind her, though. The ones pressed from scratch require special care and training. They do not have the historical familial training of the other children. They will require special attention and learning if they are to avoid falling off of stairs or bumping into walls and furniture.

In modern day times we yank your wings off your ass, beat you to death on the table of the nations for three or four weeks, snap you into rumplestilskin, pop your eye out with a sharp wooden switch at the exit interview, knock your ass out with a log, and ship you up to the eunuch division which has decided to move out into the general population (working conditions were crowded enough to merit a walk-out). You're about twenty thousand boogers down into faggitt runtling before you hit the surface, and closer to forty thousand boogers down as a runtling faggitt by the time you're old enough to have a decision to walk off.

Millionaire fag-boy is a pedo faggitt. Little pedo fag. Okay. Pedo fag. Little pedo faggitt. Okay. Alright. Little pedo faggitt. Yeah, Yeah. Him and his little bitch faggitt eunuch making their mewling sounds three feet away. Sorry. Little pedo faggitt. Little pedo boy. Your little game. Is it working? Little pedo faggitt? Like rich boy pedo faggitt? You and your pedo faggitt euro accent? You and your pedo faggitt counselor? Do you do the halloween heat with your pedo faggitt? Do you swap the farm poo with your pedo faggitt? Do you like it? Mmm-hm. Yep. Little pedo faggitt.

Is it working? Mmm-hm. You and your pedo faggitt euro accent. Mmm-hm. Little pedo faggitt.

As the millionaire pedo faggitt uses the remote control spy pedo faggitt birds, then over the course of the days and weeks and months and seasons, as you learn what the millionaire pedo beastie faggitt game is, and as they blow their own cover using their remote control pedo faggitt spy birds to fill in for open spaces and blank spaces and spaces when a remote control pedo faggitt wasn't available, then you will learn, like the new initia-ites, that all of the birds are remote control pedo faggitt birds.

They have this biomedical system. For the blind. They take a human eye and wire it to a computer. The picture is black and white, and still a bit fuzzy, but it mostly works. You can't do that with your dead dog's eye. It's not a wiring problem. It's not an oscilloscope problem. It's a dead eye problem. The eye just don't work anymore. Your dog doesn't work in the polymorph division, either. It just doesn't do that anymore. None of your animals do that sort of thing anymore.

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140109 (La Jolla, CA, 92037, war v7.102)

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