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Journal MonTemplar's Journal: Just spotted this story on K5 21

Why your MovableType blog must die
by James A.C Joyce

An essay attempting to justify the practice of crapflooding MT blogs. In summary :

  1. Bloggers are "pretentious twats". Oh, and "latte-sipping, iMac-using, suburban-living tertiary-industry-working WASPs".
  2. Bloggers "make up irritating jargon for the sake of it" (blogosphere, travelblog, blogroll, moblog, blogstream).
  3. All blogs talk about the same crap.
  4. MovableType is badly designed.
  5. MovableType's design makes it easy to crapflood.
  6. Bloggers "are fucking stupid".
  7. Bloggers "are all sheep".
  8. Blogs "are fucking up Google".

Oh, and his solution? "Move your shit over to LiveJournal. At least then we can pretend that it doesn't exist and you can stop pretending that your shit doesn't stink." Charming.


This discussion was created by MonTemplar (174120) for Friends and Friends of Friends only, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

Just spotted this story on K5

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  • by js7a ( 579872 ) <> on Tuesday February 03, 2004 @07:31AM (#8167725) Homepage Journal
    K5 used to be something I checked regularly because I thought their voting system was on par with, if not superior to, slashdot moderation, but I've been visiting it less and less frequently, because it seems like the quality of the front page is deteriorating. I can only attribute that to unconstrained growth in the K5 voter pool, or a drop-off in interest by the quality moderators.

    How the hell did that story get through? It is on the top of the front page of K5 -- beyond belief!

    He links directly to FloodMT -- what a jerk.

    Please tell those pretentious K5 twits who bother to vote on their stories these days that this slashdotter will not be back.

    P.S. I can not remember ever seeing an MT Trckback link that wasn't "(0)". I occasionally get MT blogs in my gogle searches for news articles, but they are easy to avoid becuase of the funky domains and urls.

    • Only trackbacks I've had were, funnily enough, from gmhowell and ceejayoz of this parish, around the time of the big crapfloods. (Thanks, guys!)

      The K5 story warranted a comment from Rusty (K5 head-mad) "Well tomorrow should be interesting." Understatement, for sure. :-)

      • I still can't grasp the concept of Trackbacks. I have MT installed on my site, I've RTFM, but I still don't understand the point.

        Anyone care to enlighten me?
        • You write something on your site. It inspires me to write. My article automagically tells your article that someone wrote on a similar topic. So people who read your article can read articles inspired by it.
    • Re:so much for K5 (Score:3, Interesting)

      by Cyberdyne ( 104305 ) *
      I can only attribute that to unconstrained growth in the K5 voter pool, or a drop-off in interest by the quality moderators.

      That, or perhaps the MT crapflooders are using similar tricks on K5 to screw with moderation? I have to admit I liked the idea of voting on stories, rather than having someone like Michael applying arbitrary decisions, but worried about abuses - I suspect this could be the latter. Either that, or K5 is now full of the sort of character which likes stories like this - in which case, I

    • All the "real" k5ers got fed up with Rusty and moved on to HuSi []. All that are left on K5 are procrastinators, trolls, and lurkers.
  • Okay, so you have a little snitty insecure twerp who is soooo confident that the world must define itself around his notion of "cool" that he needs to spout off about something that is actually NOTHING.

    I read his article and found myself asking this question "okay, so, now... what's your point?"

    Only to discover that he doesn't actually have a point... well aside from the fact that google is a conjested with blogs (which I find -- in my searches -- *not* to be the case).

    What I find interesting is, would t
    • is actually NOTHING

      similar to melkor, and sauron after melkor, he is angry at the powers of creativity. he is angry because he himself lacks the ability to create. his only powers are mockery and destruction.

      IMO creating crap isn't great, but it's still better than just destroying from the sidelines.
  • Honestly, this is a 'shoot first, justify later' attitude. He should have tried to do something first, before crapflooding. Now everyone hates him, so he's trying to justify himself.

    I wish I had that kinda time.
  • Seems to confirm that K5 has been hijacked by trolls. Honestly, I'm not sure what anyone ever saw in K5.

    Except for trackbacking, how is keeping a /. journal or K5 diary any different? Oh, that's right, it isn't. The only difference is that I paid for my domain name, and don't have to worry about someone shuttering the place (well, provided my host doesn't go belly up:) The only legitimate complaints that the fucktard has are more appropriately with google. Oh, boo hoo, my precious google turns up blog hits
  • Somethingawful, only they just mock weblogs and forums, as opposed to flooding them.

    Really, I don't understand it, it's not too hard to removed MT blogs from search results.
  • From my previous thoughts...

    K5 is less "technology from the trenches", and more "wine and cheese parties from our respective gated communities." It just isn't as catchy.
  • As you can see, I voted it to the front page.

    99.99% of MT blogs I've seen are idiotic twits. There's more quality in the FK circle of friends' journals than there is in nearly any MT blog that I've seen (I can think of one possible exception and that's it). The same was true of K5's diary ghetto for a long time, until the interesting diarists moved to HuSi.

    MT is, as near as I tell, the crappiest webapp yet devised. Perhaps it is a coincidence that the only MT blog I respect has hacked up MT into tiny

    • The thing being, at least some of us are using it for a semi-personal journal (blogging, that is) and don't proclaim to be part of some great and grand movement. I wondering why the crapflooders can't confine their attacks to those specifically bitched about, as opposed to those of us who are merely convenient.
      • It's patently obvious that the crapflooders don't share any of my dislike for LJ (except maybe the contention that it's shoddy software, but even then, I don't think that's at all common).

        Linking to FloodMT, though, is something I'm okay with; not everyone knows about the flooding, and the ease of crapflooding MT (as opposed to Slash, Scoop, and other CMSs) is one of the points indicating its poor design.

  • Here I am, chain smoking in front of my PC in front of the garage as usual.

    My desk has built up a layer of soot made from cigarette ashes and my sweat. My optical mouse only works when I take a damp cloth, and clean an area of soot suitable for moving a mouse around. Every once in a while my keyboard gets a buildup of dead skin from my fingertips that has to be scratched off once in a while.

    Looking to my left I see an empty Jack-In-The-Box soda, a wrapper from a week eaten jumbo jack, an ashtray full of
  • I think that blogs are a completely boring and usless waste of the web. I relate them to SPAM. I don't want to see your latest boobies, or buy your penis cream, nor do I care how your long day in class was. I had stuff happen to me, I'll share the truely exceptional (as related to the 95% rest of my life) and I'll keep the boring remainder away from your eyes, google, and the rest of the interweb.
  • Why The GNAA crapflooders must die
    1. James A.C. Joyce is a "pretentious twat".
    2. The GNAA make up irritating terms for the sake of it.
    3. All GNAA crapfloods talk about the same crap.
    4. The FloodMT website is badly designed.
    5. The FloodMT website's design makes it easy to DDoS.
    6. The GNAA are fucking stupid.
    7. The GNAA are all sheep.
    8. The GNAA crapflooders are fucking up Slashdot. And people's blogs. And apparently, now K5 too.

    This took about 2 minutes, probably about as much time as his "article"

"Truth never comes into the world but like a bastard, to the ignominy of him that brought her birth." -- Milton
