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User Journal

Journal vrmlguy's Journal: Warp funeral

(This is a copy of a posting I made today.)

I'm in the process of moving, so I spent the weekend cleaning out my basement. I paused for a moment of silence before tossing my old copy of Warp.


Warp was a thing of great beauty. With Rexx (IBM's in-house Perl-like scripting language), you could do anything. Windows still hasn't caught up, although the scripting shell extensions come close. And the multimedia/real-time support... *sigh*

I still remember seeing a laptop (I think 486 based) showing a movie in one window while the GUI remained responsive. There was never a flicker or stutter as windows were moved and resized and compiles ran in the background.

Tossing those CDs left me feeling depressed about the state of personal computing, and then this article shows up just as I was feeling better.

Always look over your shoulder because everyone is watching and plotting against you.
