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Journal HomelessInLaJolla's Journal: 140105 (La Jolla, CA, 92037, war v7.100)

War in La Jolla, seventh year, one hundredth entry

How f*cked up would you like to be at the House at Gerar? Would you like to be cut into twelve pieces all at once or would you like that over time on a million dollar payment plan?

Okay. You be the prepubescent doggie pedo spy faggitts, and I will be the adult. Your voice hasn't dropped. That much is obvious (to all leafs when the judged witch is going to hell).

Millionaires are the perfect example why prepubescents should not have animals. The millionaires have proven that, if prepubescents have animals, they will all turn into irreparable faggitts.


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140105 (La Jolla, CA, 92037, war v7.100)

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