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Journal HomelessInLaJolla's Journal: 140104 (La Jolla, CA, 92037, war v7.099)

War in La Jolla, seventh year, ninety-ninth entry

I would love to sit down and begin a new wiki and put together a new book or two. I have a few different angles to begin but really no time and today my carryings feature a breakfast sandwich of my favorite kind. Please do not bring food into the library.

Been shipping people to hell since long before we needed monuments to indicate the manner how. Stonehenge, the roles you could have in your localized life. The pyramids, all the roles all sorted and mapped out by job function and sound. The sphinx, the current set of roles running in the world. The great wall, all the spaces the roles could be on or in. Easter Island, the final men of Ninevah in their day of atonement party. Alephel and Alephen, the final two men of Ninevah before we need that new guy, Raphael, because we changed from carrot stick phairies (Shem to Ham, the Etruscan mummy, just before Isaac the Christ and the bread box delivery to the phairies signed permanently to hell) to green eggs, and then green eggs and ham, and then reanimated remote control green eggs and ham.

The Sistine Chapel. All of the particular deformities and injuries and malfunctions and obnoxicities in particular running in that section of the sphinx for the current set of running roles. Straighten out your arm. Bubblesort that. What do you mean, bubblesort that? How many members are in that set? Well, you could begin with shoulder, elbow, wrist, finger. Then you could add halfway points, and progressively elevations for the straightening out process. As you straighten out, are you bowing up or down? Does it matter? Bubblesort that. If you bubblesort while bowing up do you crack extra joints over bubblesorting while bowing down. Straighten out your arm. Straighten out your leg. Straighten out your chest. In out up down open close left right. Straighten it all out in time. Bubblesort that. The Sistine Chapel, a caricature and magnification of all of the different ways that bubblesort may be mixed up, on both sides, in both directions, in either direction, for all limbs, matching with the facial muscles, matched with the sinus pockets, matched with neural pathways, matched with sections of the digestion... matched with straightening out and tightening your rigging.

For example, if you could find "John the Baptist" someplace in all of those blobbity faggitts in the chapel, he would probably look like he has a vulcan mind meld death grip applied to his face. Most of them do, in some fashion. Those are all of the deformities you could take on as you cruise through the law of Moses, zooming around the Talmud. As you move through two day of atonement parties daily these are all of the significant figures you could meet, all of the significant injuries you could be hit with, all of the significant breakdowns and hurts and ailments you could be encouraged to accept. Some days you score better, some days you score worse... you keep going to hell. Some days you pick up seven new boogers, some days you lose the doa party, move straight to the ninth station of the cross, and take in fifty new boogers. The law of Moses is all about the theory that improper interactions could be sorted out by minor judges and musical chairs.

Currently you are about forty or fifty thousand boogers down. It's not a perfect world. You were pressed and beaten to death. Twenty thousand boogers down by the time you make it out of the stork delivery chamber all fat and cramped and ready to see daylight.


Growing up has variabilities. Green eggs and ham, childhood injuries, many don't even make it before they get shipped back down to heaven and checked down to hell. By about age thirty most adults have all reached the same level. Thirty or forty thousand boogers down and falling. Seven new boogers, daily. Roughly approximated by "I hate this" "I hate doing this" "I wish it would all end" "I _HOPE_ the world ends" "Everything would be so easy if..." "I just wish that...". Those thoughts alone are not the cause of the sin or the booger, but when you're forty thousand down and falling they approximate your intake of the next ten thousand or twenty thousand. Thirty to fifty sees that expansion. About twenty thousand every decade standard into retirement. Retirees clicking the television,"I hate this, I hate being here, but we're doing it for the kids because that's all we have left." What's that, hundreds daily? New boogers in the bubblesorts. In out, up down, open close, left right. How many iterations, daily, should you perform of IOUDOCLR? Seven new boogers daily. Should you work that for a few minutes daily? Ten new boogers, daily. Should you work that for an hour each day? Thirty new boogers daily? Maybe you should do that until you kick out a booger. Lost the day of atonement party today, got into an argument with best friend, had a few extra drinks, probably have a hundred new boogers tomorrow. How much time should you spend on the bubblesort?

The vulcan mind meld death grip to the face, the john the baptist hold. Those boogers are applied to the face and the sinuses and then mirrored in the matching systems around the body as your particular genetics space them. David's key is applied to the shoulder and causes a particular vocal intonation, that intonation could change from one heritage to another, or even from one individual to another.

Your automobiles. The first ride in an automobile. You did not know how to sit on the seat. You had to learn how to lay all over the seat and look comfortable like everybody else. You learn tricks and methods for riding in the car, all of the little rests and leans. The groups of faggitts in the sistine chapel may as well be descriptions of automobile lines crossed with your particular nuances of growing up. The conglomerate sum difference between the alignment of the right and left hip, the right and left shoulder, the right and left elbow. The particular angle of the gimp to the right and left knees, the right and left ankles. The particular deadening frequency applied to the fingertips and the one jiggly supersensitive foot on the right and the completely motionless and forgotten foot on the left. Bubblesort that after spending a few hours putting one foot on high frequency and the other foot on hold. Each group of faggitts in the chapel, if you could sum them all together, could likely describe a particular model line of automobile.

Then your gimps. Your aches, your pains, your hurts. Your favored right hip. Your favored left hip. Whichever. You don't hurt that much. Those are your methods to beg for mercy. When the room is grilling you too hard and you can't take it, when it's too much, then you begin panning and scanning the crowd to see why they aren't getting grilled, why it isn't so hot on them, and maybe what excuse you need to make it through this next time. The funny walk, the odd gait, the gimp stick. All your differerent leans and rests inside your automobile. Remember your first ride in the auto? You didn't know how to sit. Everybody else looked so comfortable, and it felt like you didn't know what you were doing. Then, after a few weeks, you know how to hop right in and ride along, and you can be one of the family again and then, just before the car begins to move, one of the people up front unhooks the arm rest and folds it down, and they lean against it, and their shoulder drops that little bit... but you don't have the arm rest, and you feel odd again, and you want the arm rest. Maybe next time.

Your aches, your pains, your gimps. Your arm rests in your vehicle faggitt group in the chapel taking you to hell.

You are only forty or fifty or eighty thousand down. Bubblesort that.

As you walk through the daily routine of day of atonement parties, participating in your scripts and your plays and your scenes, sometimes you lose more and sometimes you lose less. If you lose more then you need more excuses in the next day of atonement party--and that's true for modern day formal banquet style "day of atonement" party celebrations in Hebrew descended religions. If you scored worse in the hall party this time then you will need more excuses at the next one. As you go through your daily assembler language day of atonement parties maybe you need more excuses. You need more gimps, you need more funny looks, and cutsie remarks, and more "case of the mondays" explanations and quips and jokes and comments. Then, as you take on your daily accumulation of additional little funninesses and strangenesses and weirdnesses, as your job works on that shoulder a little more or maybe you bumped your elbow harder than usual today, then you may go sit in your vibrator machine and practice all of those little arm rests and single finger methods which allow you to leave the remainder of your body lifeless and limp.

Snap your hands out. Snap them out hard. Snap your fingers all straight out. Before you began driving that vehicle your fingers were always like that. Feel the soothing vibration, let go of that ache in your elbow, lean your left hip down into that seat but keep the right leg ready for the accelerator. Get that spine all twisted at the bottom to compliment your long lost alcohol soaked parachute in your food processor and the diet of meat and grease three times daily at fifteen minute pace. Then, once you have settled into your favorite position of laying dead all over the seat, let the soothing vibration deaden your fingertips and turn on the radio.

Then, when you turn off the radio, remember to pick up your ankle. That's another good trainer for those dance hall day of atonement parties, especially in the golden years. Ah, the golden years. Those few fleeting moments between over the hill and haven't fallen down yet.

Turnip cart, turnip cart, twisted little box. Whatcha got in the turnip cart, today, Joseph? OH MY! It's a dead body! Gonna plant that in the tomb and watch it grow in three days?

So many different model groups in the Sistine Chapel.

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140104 (La Jolla, CA, 92037, war v7.099)

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