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Journal MonTemplar's Journal: +Snow good, but ice bad!! 8

Good news - we finally got snow across most of the UK. :-)

Bad news - most of it is now ice, and has caused most of the public transport system, plus a lot of roads and planes, to grind to a halt.

Worse news - yesterday there were strong winds across most of the UK. w00t, wind-chill of -10 or worse. :-(

Oh, and I managed to slip up again on the icy pavement this morning, in an almost exact repeat of what happened this time last year... As it was, I needn't have bothered, as there were no trains to be caught when I did get to the station.

Most of the schools have closed for the day, and I saw loads of kids sledding down hillsides near Tring this morning.

Last night was a bit hairy, as the snow was still falling when I left work, and I ended up walking through Tring, partly to stay warm, and partly because I suspected that the bus might not show up to get me to the station. Luckily it did appear, and I made it home eventually.

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+Snow good, but ice bad!!

Comments Filter:
  • Here in hel-- I mean, Texas, we only get ice once every ten years or so.

    From around April until October, it ranges from 26c to 40c, with about 95% humidity.

  • by turg ( 19864 ) *
    Windchill of -10? I don't think it's been that warm here since 2003.
    • That's -10 degrees Celcius, of course.

      My neck and shoulders certainly noticed the effect of that last night. :-(

      • Celcius here too (-10 F would be -23 C)

        I say there's no such thing as too cold -- the problem is inadequate clothing.

        I grew up in Ottawa. Here's some weather statistics [weather.ca]:

        Average (for a 30 year period) number of days with temperature below 0 C:
        November: 22
        December: 30
        January: 30
        February: 28
        March: 28

        Basically, the temperature stays below freezing from mid-November through at least mid-March. Any precipitation during that time will be in the form of snow and it doesn't melt until spring.

        Average number of d
  • In Pennsylvania we only have a problem with snow and ice on the roads for the first snowstorm. Then we all remember how to drive in it from last year and all goes as normal. And that's just in the east of the state.

    In west PA, they get all the lake-effect snow off of the great lakes and will keep schools/busses/trains open even when they are getting 3 feet of snow with whiteout conditions (only being able to see about 6 inches in front of you) likely.

    But they are crazy out there. Here in east PA we ju
  • Hmm...current temp (no windchill) -40. With windchill, -52. No sympathy from me ;)
  • Blimey. It's a small world.
  • by Alioth ( 221270 )
    Despite being quite a bit further north than you are, we got no snow. It just kept on raining instead. There was a little bit of snow on the mountain, and that's about it!

    Having said that, we don't get scorching summers so on balance, our weather is pretty good (despite the winter wind and rain).

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