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Journal MacBrave's Journal: High School Basketball Update - 1/26/04

Yet another HS basketball update for the Frankfort Hot Dogs and Maconaquah Braves. Frankfort had a good weekend, going 2-0 and are riding a 4 game winning streak, bringing there overall record to 7-6.

Friday night at homecoming they defeated conference rival Southmont 52-28.

Story link: Southmont Not Able To Handle Frankfort's Defensive Pressure

On Saturday the Hot Dogs travelled to Lafayette Jeff and pulled out a rare win at Crawley Center:

Story Link: Pickrell's 20 Points Helps Frankfort Beat Lafayette Jeff

The Braves had a disapointing Friday night losing to conference foe Western 63-57 at Western.

Story link (free reg. required): Parker fuels WHS win

Teams in Indiana are heading into the 'home stretch' of their schedules with only about 7-8 left until sectional time. Should be fun!

p.s. I normally try to link to the Peru Tribune when posting stories about Maconaquah because Peru is located in the same county (Miami) as Maconaquah H.S. This time I couldn't because the story seems to have been rotated off. The Kokomo Tribune I try not to use because a) It requires free registration which is a PITA, and b) although the overall quality of writing in the KT is usually better than the PT, they have such a pro-Kokomo and Howard county team bias that reading the stories usually pisses me off.

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High School Basketball Update - 1/26/04

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