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MS Employee Gets What He Deserved.

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  • This is /., so I don't really expect people to read stories they comment upon. But how about people do atleast read stories they themselves are reporting ? Yeah, I know, I'm an incurable optimist.

    Anyways, "Someone finally tried to kill a MS-employee" is a strange way to phrase an incident where two MS-employees slug it out with a knife in a restaurant over some woman they apparently both fancy.

    I also don't think it's all that fitting. Now MS-quality-engineer die as the new heart-monitor, running Microsf

    • It was just a joke.... I figured people would get it, once they saw that the attacker was an MS employee also, and the wound was apparently minor.
      • Figured. But like all pretty much all jokes, there tend to be a core of truth in it.

        It /is/ a problem that the justice system is getting increasingly unable to punish the big fish. While peeing on the corner and being spotted by a policeman nets you a slam-dunk fine, having a court of law find it proven that you have abused your monopolistic position in a market and cost competitors and consumers billions, you end up with basically a slap on the wrist, if even that.

        Has MS behaviour been influenced at al

  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • I'm just joking.. If you read the story, the (relatively minor) wound was inflicted by a fellow MS employee. :)
    • Seriously, there are many people I might wish would disappear into a parallel universe, but Microsoft employees are hardly representative of all that's evil.

      Are you saying we should instead wish death upon employees of SCO? :)
      Or just the Executives of MS and SCO?
      Do they count as Human?

      And in reply to the article, should we be sending over Geek Women to infiltrate MS HQ and cause the employees to fight amongst themselves?

One person's error is another person's data.
