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Journal MacBrave's Journal: Small town antics again

Sometimes the 'stuff' that goes on in small towns like the one I live in is pretty funny.

Consider this story: Roadway Incident Has City Employee Seeing Red

I don't know what to think, other than to chuckle. The person pulled over lives on my street about 4-5 block north of our house.

I especially like his comment about being singled out because he has been pulled over to DUI a couple of times in the past. Well that combined with being a public servant (he sat on the city council for several years before taking the street deptartment job) means you are held to a different standard, and people are going to talk about it.

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Small town antics again

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Q: How many IBM CPU's does it take to execute a job? A: Four; three to hold it down, and one to rip its head off.
