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Journal MacBrave's Journal: HS Basketball Update

I haven't written a high school basketball update in a while, so here goes:

Frankfort had a good weekend, getting wins on both Friday night vs. Western Boone and again on Saturday vs. county rival Rossville. This puts the Hot Dogs records at 5-6 for the season

Game links:

Frankfort Wins Emotional Game Against Western Boone

Frankfort's Catron Too Much For Rossville To Handle

My alma mater also won over the weekend to arch-rival Peru in convincing fashion. After a loss to Eastern last weekend the Brave's coach called the team 'soft' in a newspaper interview. This seemed to get Maconaquah going as they pounded the Tigers 77-34. This ups their record to 6-3.

Link to story: Braves stomp Tigers by 33

Maconaquah also had a Saturday game vs. Blackford postphone due to weather.

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HS Basketball Update

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