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Journal ir0b0t's Journal: C

My brother is helping me learn how to do a command line application to produce legal documents. The final product is intended to run with a minimalist Linux distro on a floppy. Lawyers and advocates can use it to produce legal documents in remote rural offices with old computers.

Today I recopied his C code into a text editor on my Linux partition. When it was done, I emailed it to him for further instructions. Next I need to compile it and (I'm expecting) debug, debug, debug.

One thing I've done is insist on using Linux or Linux compatible applications for every phase of the project. So before I started copying out the code, I had to figure out how to switch the loopback settings on my Linux partition to settings that let me email over my satellite modem. That took awhile.

When using Linux, I still rely heavily on the GUI. The command line is not familiar enough to me yet. During my normal work day I use a wysiwyg word processor (Openoffice), keep Mozilla open and play mp3's.

I'm going to need to transplant all of these activities to the command line before I can work easily over a period of hours as I do in XP.

"The only way I can lose this election is if I'm caught in bed with a dead girl or a live boy." -- Louisiana governor Edwin Edwards
