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Journal OldHawk777's Journal: New standards for sharing online education from MIT

One System Fits All
New standards will make sharing online education software easy and inexpensive.
By Sally Atwood, December 2003/January 2004,

'At traditional universities such as MIT, more and more educators and administrators are using the term/phrase (Online Education) to describe something more comprehensive: the advent of Web-based learning-management systems. These software-based systems, also known as course management or virtual-learning systems, debuted about five years ago and are designed to leverage the Internet to reinforce what happens in brick-and-mortar classrooms.'

/. Questions: Is the web becoming an 'Open (Global/Virtual) Operating System'? Will/Does it provide U2U, B2B, C2C, E2E, ... features and applications at an Internet level similar to what an OS does on a computer? How do you define an OS ... by what it does or what it is? I expect the Kernel will remain at the computer level, but MS calls their GUI windows an OS ... ponder, ponder, ponder, confusion.

Open Knowledge Initiative [OKI] Collaborators
____ C1ambridge University
____ Dartmouth College
____ Indiana University
____ North Carolina State University
____ Stanford University
____ University of Michigan
____ University of Pennsylvania
____ University of Wisconsin-Madison

'Open-Source-Interface Definitions' you need to check the article on MIT's Technology Review

By virtue of birth we acquire human rights and respect, with education we acquire equality and stature in a community, and with the OKI possibly a future of Docui Universitas Humanus Prosapia.


Reality is a self-induced hallucination (Do I at times/often forget to turn on comments? Is it Freudian? Am I subconsciously overly sensitive? I am overly analytical at times or lost in a fog without chance of focusing ... I think, maybe, ....).

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New standards for sharing online education from MIT

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