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Journal NaveWeiss's Journal: OSDN personals: An email to Taco and Jamie 2

I was dissapointed a lot about the "OSDN personals", so I sent this email to Taco and Jamie. What do you think - are there more people in slashdot I should send this email to?

Here goes.

OSDN personals and the alternative

Hello dear admins. It's me, NaveWeiss.

I wanted to express my opinion about the new ads about "OSDN personals":
I'm terribly disappointed about them!
When I saw them mentioned in the top nav-bar, I was excited - I thought that finally you were going to use your vast slashdot userbase for helping people to find dates! And then I was so disappointed to see that it has nothing to do with slashdot or with free users. It's merely a match.com affiliation.

As you know, love should be free. Asking people to pay for love is a very nasty thing. Instead of this sad affiliation thing, you should do something else - and I call it SlashDate.

See, instead of just sending users to another site (were they are supposed to pay), you could do great stuff with the current slashdot userbase. For example, every user who's looking for love can define so in its user info, and then there will be a special mark (like the zoo.pl icons) which tells us so. And you could allow sending private messages and stuff like that. And in order for it to make more money for you, you could make that subscribed users will be allowed to upload a picture and appear on top of the dating search results.

Please don't neglect your fellow geek users. Don't abandon them for match.com - help them instead!

    Nave H. Weiss

Update (Jan 8 01:47): Rob actually answered me! He told me that there's no time to code that..

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OSDN personals: An email to Taco and Jamie

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  • I'm sure its neither persons decision. Its not even OSDN, but bigwigs at VA Lin^H^H^HSoftware.

    They said "hey, match.com wants us to have a slashdot portal for their site and they'll give us a commission. Its win-win!"

    I'm sure Taco isn't real happy about it either, but it is a decision from above him.

The best things in life go on sale sooner or later.
