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Journal Cliff's Journal: Largest Snake in the World? 9

The statistics: 49' long, and weiging in at 980 pounds.

I think it was found somewhere in Nepal, but I may be mistaken. Aparently some brave (for lack of a better word) villagers went out and captured this thing and since then the village has been keeping it in captivity. It now resides in a zoo.

All I know is that I would hate to be one of the caretakers for that thing. It might take too much of a liking to me and you wouldn't find me in the morning.

I also can't imagine having to clean out that things cage. *shudder* -- Yes. I used to have large issues with snakes. I still do, they've just shrank a bit since I've had actual experiences with them. My irrational fears are no longer irrational, they are quite rational based on personal experience. ;)

I saw a picture of the thing on the news. It's head is almost as big as mine.

Pardon me while I drink the memories of that thing out of my head, before I start having nightmares. Lucky for me it's New Years Eve.
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Largest Snake in the World?

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  • DUPE (Score:1, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward
    This was posted to the front page a few days ago.
    • *sigh* (Score:3, Funny)

      by Cliff ( 4114 ) *
      This is a JE, not a Slashdot Article. Dupes are allowed, nay, encouraged. Especially since most of the readership has this disdain for the editorship of this site. I decided to put my own spin on it since I saw this on the local news (not Slashdot -- dispite what you think, there are sections of this site that even I don't read. The science section is one of these)

      So take your DUPE and...um...er...

      Nevermind: IABT. IHL. IWHAND.

      Man! Getting trolled in my own journal! What next?

      By the way, one of t
      • Man! Getting trolled in my own journal! What next?

        What next? Seems you are quite late to the party! The rest of us have been trolled and mod-bombed in our journals for ages.
        • Now you know the reason I haven't been writing regularly, in mine.

          Ah well. The price we pay for having a (small) space to air our own voice.
      • Somehow I entirely missed that story about the snake [bbc.co.uk].

        I don't know how. I read your journal entry (which, btw, didn't contain a link to the /. article, nor the original article about it... annoying). When I read it, I was peeved there was no link.

        Then I saw your comment post, which was referencing another one that was below my comment_browsing_threshold.

        So after changing that so I could see the parent comment, I realized what was going on. I had missed the story somehow. I then went to the frontpage. Scan
        • It was a secional science article, tf. Not everything shows on the main page, as you well know. <grin>

          The reason there was no link in the JE is because I wasn't aware there was anything to link to, and hence the appropriate link was left to the comments. In all honesty, this is the beauty of Slashdot: if the editors miss a link in a Slashdot story, show them up and provide a link in the comments.

          I'm amazed such simplistic solutions go above the head of most of the Editorial Detractors out there
      • At least the troll didn't include the fact-checking rant (Nepal vs. Indonesia) :-)

        I've been passing this story around too. I found it in another /. JE (MonTemplar's, I think?) and not from the /. article.
        • I saw it on Fark, and 3 JEs. Completely missed it being on /. though.

          I imagine I'll be getting it in e-mail in like a week and I can respond with "Oh that story, that's totally last week, where do you get your news from under that rock?"
      • I've got moderator points. Shall I mod him as a troll? Can I huh can I?
        Oh damn, too late. I just posted in the same article.

The best book on programming for the layman is "Alice in Wonderland"; but that's because it's the best book on anything for the layman.
