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Journal icovellauna's Journal: Christmas is coming 6

It's here again. I celebrate the Yule, and with it I honor the birth of the Christ child, wondering, as I do every year, that a pagan sees the birth of the Christ as a special event, and so few of the Christians I know even remember that This Event is the one they are suposed to be honoring. This is not suposed to be a consumer marathon! This is the birth of the Messiah, who brought into the world the very special thing known as Grace! So how is it that we have been swallowed up by the industrial military complex so completely that we have forgotten what it was we were suposed to be doing? This year, we as a family have decided to refuse that path, and to seek instead to remember the things we find precious about this season. We will gather to share each others company, share the fruits of the past year, break bread together, and celebrate the turning of the wheel and the longest night and shortest day of the year. This is the season of turning within, to ourselves and each other, of finding the real treasures of friendship, faith, and personal growth. For me, this is the time of the Goddess, who stands at the peak of her creative power. She is healer, nurturer and deep power for the creation of the future. It is the time of new beginnings, and the conception of the path for the new year. So what is it you treasure this season? What is it really you find important now? Just think about it, as you trim the tree, which, by the way,is for the Goddess, and Her promise of eternal life. Those ornaments are symbolic of gifts to Her, gold, silver, fruits and precious things. Our way of thanking Her for Her gifts to us. What are you thanking Her for? What path do you start when the darkness reaches its deepest and you reach within to touch Your inner Light, and to hold it up as a beacon, with the rest of us, to lead the world forward into the light?
Merry Christmas, Blessed Yule, however you celebrate this season, Blessed Be.
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Christmas is coming

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  • ... my two front teeth...

    It had to be said. *sigh* actually it's two side teeth. Me, i'm not a christ type of holidayer, i'm more of a sada type, triumph of good over evil &ct. I'm thankful that i don't have to have extractions. I'm thankful that i have dental insurance. I"m extremely thankful that i have dental insurance. My image of the goddess this year is of a woman sitting on either side of me, one holding down my tongue so i don't get hurt, while the other repairs my tooth.

    This year we're too T

  • We'll be celebrating the Solstice on Sunday, and lighting the pudding to help persuade the Sun to return next year.

    (By splitting the feasting between the Solstice, Christmas Day / Boxing Day and New Year, the plan is that we don't all get overstuffed during the holiday period.)

    • lighting the pudding

      Translation/explanation, please.

    • We'll be celebrating the Solstice on Sunday, and lighting the pudding to help persuade the Sun to return next year.

      And I am delighted to say that there is a British food store that sells pre-packaged Christmas puddings (what? you don't expect me to make one on top of the pumpkin pie and egg nog that I always get drafted into making). Of which we shall partake.

      Shortbread, too. Mmmm. And ginger biscuits. And...uh...

      /me goes off to the kitchen



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