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Journal Apreche's Journal: Fancrap 1

This one is going to be rather short, but it deal with a subject I deal with on an almost daily basis. I myself have coined a new term, "fancrap". Fancrap refers to all that stuff that fanboys/girls do. Fanfiction, Fanart, larps/roleplaying, doujinshi, crazy cosplay, etc. etc. It's mostly the anime type community but it extends beyond that. Here is my current working definition of fancrap.

Fancrap - noun - objects, activities or behaviors which are generally enjoyed by people with extreme fanatacism and lack of social skills.

So let's try some examples.

Watching an anime != fancrap.
dressing up as anime character = borderline fancrap.
acting out a cosplay = fancrap.
Writing/reading fanfiction = couldn't be more fancrap than that.
Teen Idol magazines = fancrap.
Linus Torvalds plushies = fancrap.

The reason I created this term is because I hate fancrap! Fanboys and fangirls lack social skills and logic, therefore to me they are not people. And until now I did not have a way of referring to "those things that fanpeople do" with few words. So I have created the word fancrap. Feel free to try it out, see if you like it. If you're not satisfied call me and I'll give you a refund. Have a nice fancrap free day.

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It is clear that the individual who persecutes a man, his brother, because he is not of the same opinion, is a monster. - Voltaire
