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Journal JetScootr's Journal: Hudahel izziz guy, anyway? 1

OK, so you've read my posts, but you're wondering, "What's this guy really like? Is all that stuff he put down just a buncha baloney, or is he really the one?" So here's my own made up questionaire (and answers marked with '*') so you can get an idea of what my problem really is:
Social Awareness:
  1. When serving prime rib:
    A> The defibrillator goes on the right
    B> * Invitations to PETA should be sent "RSVP"
    C> The plate should be made of metal to hold a steak big enough for me.
    D> How dare you kill that poor defenseless cow!
  2. You're dancing the Lambada to Lawrence Welk's rendition of "Wild Thang". Someone bumps into you and knocks your partner down. You should:
    A> Fall down with her. (And continue dancing horizontally)
    B> Switch partners with the clumsy oaf.
    C> * Steal the oaf's shoes and wallet.
    D> Step on your partner.
  3. You receive a wedding invitation from your Ex's new partner, but your Ex isn't one of the two people getting hitched. You should:
    A> Go into a jealous rage.
    B> Send a gift to your Ex's address, clearly marked to the happy couple.
    C> Take your Ex as your date.
    D> * Offer to be the entertainment at the Bachelor and/or Bachelorette party.

General Knowledge:

  1. Who Is George W Bush?
    A> A naturalist who likes small plants so much he changed his name.
    B> Soon to be a part of history...
    C> An unsuccessful match from Match.com
    D> * Member of the Jamican Olympic Luge team
  2. I think the Iraq War was/is:
    A> Entirely justified
    B> Entirely unjustified
    C> An inescapable nightmare no matter how you look at it.
    D> * All of the above
  3. What color is brown?
    A> Chartreuse
    B> * 42
    C> Between giraffe and the orbit of Mars.
    D> Uh....

Professional Skills:

  1. When it comes to computers:
    A> Yeah Linux! Go Penguin! Death to Microsoft!
    B> I really wish the cupholder didn't automatically slide in when I reboot.
    C> I had to install a new 60 gigabyte harddrive when Napster started up again.
    D> * I have a USB port installed under my left ear.
  2. My career:
    A> * Is completely and accurately documented in "Dilbert".
    B> I am the ruler of all I survey (I work in a darkened closet)
    C> I slept my way to the top.
    D> Stuck at the "Fries" station.
  3. My job is:
    A> * Technical.
    B> Medical
    C> Menial
    D> Dreadful
  4. I am:
    A> Really good at what I do.
    B> Really confused about what I do.
    C> On my company's "rehab probation" program.
    D> * an alien on vacation.


  1. My favorite video game is:
    A> Duke Nukem Forever Whenever
    B> Laser tag
    C> * Shopping for new electronics
    D> Pong
  2. My favorite outdoor activity is:
    A> * Camping in a state park
    B> Camping under a state bridge
    C> * Sex
    D> Loud but not sex.
  3. I want to:
    A> Mash lips with you.
    B> Win the lottery
    C> Win the lottery again.
    D> * All of the above.
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Hudahel izziz guy, anyway?

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  • by Cliff ( 4114 ) *
    After your very informative comments in this topic [slashdot.org] (and your sig, of course), I've decided to stop by. Imagine my surprise when I got a chuckle out of this journal entry.

    I completely agree with General Knowledge question #2. Those who think the answer to that question is entirely black and white are doomed to repeat a whole worm-can load of history's mistakes, but I digress.

    I also share your worries [slashdot.org] as to the current state of America, today. And where it is most likely to head. '1984' wasn't wrong, fo

One person's error is another person's data.
