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Journal OldHawk777's Journal: OLES, Learning as an Enterprise 2


Open Learning Enterprise System (OLES):

. A Learning Environment technology that is focused on providing learning participants an interactive enriched malleable resource for learning. A Learning Environment that can be adapted to physical and learning strengths and weaknesses for the individuals (Students and Teachers).. The environment where teacher pedagogies, student heuristics, and/or community collaborative synergy can be negotiated and/or leveraged to create a more comprehensive and efficacious learning experience. OLES software provides for all participants a familiar conformable Learning Environment technology for the transient/conditional requirements of audience, content, activity, and situation. OLES software is "a WWWeb/Internet Application" built exclusively on "Open Standards" and "Open-Source" GPL code, with 100% WWWeb [AKA: Internet] technology compliance. The "Open" WWWeb/Internet OLES software application concept will deliver a LEIA virtual-OS (vOS) supporting multi-vendor cross-platform, network, and OLES software compatibility.

The Open Source Learning Management System (OS-LMS) is

a possible appropriate OS project to include in OLES.

. OpenLMS is a Learning Management System (LMS)




. Open Source Web-based Learning Content Management System (LCMS)


This discussion was created by OldHawk777 (19923) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

OLES, Learning as an Enterprise

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  • but I've thought about writing educational software since I was in High School. I need to get off my ass and start honing my programming skills again. This might be something worth looking into.

    But first, I need to take care of my snail mail.
    • The LEIA concept is based on the Internet [W3C and other international accepted standards] being the "Virtual Operating System" for the OLES application in the classroom. The teacher and students use any TCP/IP functional LAN with HW/SW selected from any OEM/OSD that works and provides export to HTML, XML, TXT, PNG, ... (international accepted standards) for TCP/IP transport to any other compliant LEIA classroom, Center/School, Centre/Campus. At a Campus level the concept becomes a Learning Enterprise Inter

If it has syntax, it isn't user friendly.
