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Journal lateralus's Journal: Office fun 2

Today I walked into my office and started to panic. My coffee mug was missing. It's mine, and it's my coffee mug. I ran around the different rooms, then kitchenettes and finally started walking back to my office, crushed. I took heart and decided to visit the main kitchen one more time. Upon arriving at the kitchen the cleaning lady told me she had something for me, she opened up a small closet out of the way and there stood, alone my coffee mug! She told me the tale of what transpired during the weekend:

Cleaning Lady B: Ugh! That coffee mug is so dirty!
Cleaning Lady A: Don't touch it, he doesn't like it when people take his coffee mug.
Cleaning Lady B: He -drinks- out of that??
Cleaning Lady A: Yep, and if you take it and clean it he will freak.

Argument ensues concerning the cleaning lady's hipocratic oath. It turns out that Cleaning Lady B could not, in clear conscious allow a person in her care to drink out of a coffee mug with a dark brown interior (was once pearly white).

In other news, it turns out that every object has a breaking point. A single location on its being that, if touched with sufficient force will cause that object to disintegrate or explode. The big glass doors to the auxiliary meeting room in our company have been opened and closed hundreds of times. Today someone mearly tapped one of them with his chair and was amazed by the sight of both doors flying to bits of broken glass.

So far its been a good day.

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Office fun

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  • I discovered this with a drinking glass once. I was putting dirty dishes into the dishwasher just like normal and one of the glasses (made of thick glass) exploded all over the kitchen when I put it in.
  • I was over at a friend's house tonight, helping her decorate her Christmas tree. She took an ornament out of the box and it fell about 5 inches and shattered. I picked the largest piece of it up at tapped it with the lid of my water bottle. It didn't break, so I thumped it hard... it STILL didn't break. I'm trying to figure out how a 5 inch fall and landing on the top of a cardboard box broke it, when tapping it hard with a water bottle did not. Just one of those things, I guess. I was just glad I di

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