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Journal rLobster's Journal: Yeah, whatever that was(don't forget chimps)

I'm not really into anything that happened around the same time I posted the one before this one, so whatever. If you happen to care enough, IM me, or maybe I'll speak of it again later.

What's really going on with Rob? The barenaked ladies new CD, Everything to Everyone. Maybe Katie is an amazing song. Hmm...nothing else really interesting. I could list stuff about my life, but then you'd get a very very sterotypical Blog/journal, and frankly folks, that's not what you paid for here. So some easily theftable poetry? Hmm...Maybe I should rip on someone we all know, just to raise controversy, although I don't know how effective that would be. It seems that many times people just ignore me, 'cause I don't really dig drama scenes, so they all know I'm being facetious. People know who their friends are, and what kind of people everyone is. It doesn't change. That's the way it is. But since I don't really care about that anyways, does it matter anyways? And this post makes very little sense, I think, but that's ok, I suppose. It IS a journal, no? I'll see most of you (or all of you, whoever reads this) at the xbox party tonight, and then you can see who I really am. Or at least, who I look like. That's intestting...Is our personality subject to the perception of the person observing us? If so, why bother ever change anything about your character if everyone makes up their own damn mind anyways? Well, some people are impressionable, and girlfriends can learn to hate you if your a big jerk. I've learned this. So about personality, and individuality, I think I wanna be a nice guy. yeah. I have the cynicism and drive down, but I need to do homework and suck up to the peons. (sorry to all you peons out there)

I have to go right now. But you didn't make it this far, right? (seeing as I didn't bitch about anything that relates to you)
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Yeah, whatever that was(don't forget chimps)

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There must be more to life than having everything. -- Maurice Sendak
