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Journal rLobster's Journal: tricks of the mind

I am tired. I know this. And I can objectively rank my mood. It is not justified with what I remeber to have happened to me. I can't think of anything bad, only good. And God, I love God. This mood is not sanctioned by my objective side, not created by my reason or supported by its evidence. SO why, then? why? why why hw

It's my brain and my tiredness. I wish I were lElA, so I could skip school, and sleep tomorrow. Sleep tonight, i guess. think of happy things...it is no avail. hope that you will be happier in the morning, rational or irrational. yes.

I have been very very rational all weekend (weird considering I was on a religious retreat), and now I am no longer cabable of that. I am...irrationally depressed. I have hope for an irrationally good start for tomorrow.
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tricks of the mind

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