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Journal Fux the Penguin's Journal: Oh man this is a good one...

First, I deplore the actions of the music industry with regard to their heavy-handed dealings with purveyors of online music like It is time for the RIAA, Sony, BMI, ASCAP, DRUF, AUXPC and NORML to get it through their thick heads that it's not working anymore! Consumers are simply not interested in shelling out their hard-earned dollars for the latest pop tripe like Britney Spears or Julie Arhoolian (big in Australia, where the ISP hosted They need to be stopped now, or this won't end in society's backwaters like Australia; next we'll see lawsuits against Napster 2 and iTunes.

I fully understand that the recording industry has the right to stop the theft of their music. We all agree that stealing is wrong. Regardless, if their music is so bad, and the prices fixed for this terrible music is so high, then theft is a reasonable alternative. You wouldn't condemn a man for stealing a loaf of bread to feed his starving family, would you? Then please, before you throw the first bird, look inside and ask if you've ever stolen a CD? That's what I thought. e tu, brute.

Finally, I can't say that I'm too sorry to see '' go, because the proprietary mp3 format is just as bad as DRMed WMA garbage. I can't stand the lossy, scratchy hissing garbage I find in these Mp3s off '' and the like. Until og vorbus (OVS) is accepted as the universal music standard, I may have to go on a hunger strike.


Oh man I can't believe this shit got up to +5, and people kept modding it up even after several slashbots responded and called me on NORML and "Julie Arhoolian." Oh man, that was funny. And I sure pissed off a bunch of people by calling Australia "society's backwater."

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Oh man this is a good one...

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