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Journal rLobster's Journal: difference 2

I'm using this entry as a meduin to organize my thoughts. It is sunday the sixteenth and thus it comes my chace to write this english essay which is due sometime in the next week. I have, in fact, no other options because my mother is forcing me to work on homework, but that is not the point.

The point is difference.

I am the self-appointed warden of all things anti-cliche. I can see, after training under my everlasting hero, Obviousman, that this paper is a field day for cliches. It's basically a nothing essay, designed as busy work on a pointless subject to further our ability to write. And even as I opened the new word document, that page of paper stretching down from the blinking cursor like a vagabond sees the prarie for the first time, I felt the pull to write a slipshod essay, virulent with cliche. The subject of the paper is irony, irony being the only subject. The Pardoner's Tale is too short to have more than one prevading ironic theme dealing with the addage, "radix malorum est cupiditas" which means "the root of all evil is desire." So as soon as I write the same thing every other student in my class does, about how it's ironic that the pardoner preachers yet does not practice, I am giving up my faith to heatens.

So what to be done? The story is about three rioters trying to kill death end up dying themselves. THe three find an old man and enquire as to where they could find Death, and the old man directs them to a tree. By this tree is a massive fortune, which they all kill themselves over to get personally, forgetting about the original noble quest themselves. So it seems that Death is the more cleaver personage in to story, or a better moral than radix malorum est cupiditas is "stupid is as stupid does."
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  • Say that in your essay. I don't know the teacher very well, but if it were me, I write the essay about how stupid it is that everyone probably will write the exact same essay. Tell her everything she wants to here in the first paragraph. Let her know you know what's going on, but then tell her what you really think about the essay. Give it some meaning. It's worked for me in the past. In fact, I have to dodge bullets every once in a while in history for thinking in real world terms.

"Imitation is the sincerest form of television." -- The New Mighty Mouse
