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Journal Jellybob's Journal: Equilibrium 8

I spent this evening watching Equilibrium, which has some of the most impressive gun fight scenes I've seen in a film - usually I get bored after a while, but they manage to keep them fluid and interesting by blending them with kung fu style moves.

It's also an interesting adaptation of the storyline of Farenheit 451 - if you havn't read it, go do that now.

The bit of the story that really hit me was the use of drugs to surpress emotion in an attempt to end violence, by getting rid of negative feelings. However surpressing them, also causes the good things to be surpressed as well, resulting in a world where everyone is in a state of blankness (apart from the main characters, who seem to be let off the "no feelings" law so long as they make the film interesting).

So - would it be worth it? No more pain, no more unhappiness.

No. There are days when I think, maybe, it might be worth it. Just after thinking that though, I tend to realise that when I feel good, I tend to feel really good.

Anyway, enough ramblings - I'm gonna go fill in some time.

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  • It's also an interesting adaptation of the storyline of Farenheit 451 - if you havn't read it, go do that now.

    I highly agree! Well, on the go read it part, or watch the movie, both available on my website :)

    Haven't seen this new thingie JB is talking about.
    • Having just had a look on your website, and seen the link to 1984 online (which I'll have to grab on another machine... it's one of the sites which mangles my second monitor until it's closed), it appears that there are some hefty elements of that in the film as well (especially the idea of thought crime).

      Not having read 1984 though, I only caught the references to Farenheit 451.
      • 1. How the fuck can you not have read 1984?

        2. How the fuck can you not have read 1984?

        3. It's not big budget by any stretch of the imagination, but Equilibrium is perhaps one of the best sci-fi movies of the last ten years. Yes, it borrows heavily from 1984, Fahrenheit 451, etc, but where others see a complete rip-off of the themes discussed in those stories, I see a homage to them. Throw in some The Matrix-style action scenes for effect and you've got a great movie.

        4. What the fuck are you doing still r
    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • Kewelness!

        It is a lot easier to just buy and watch the movie. The chick who plays Montag's wife and girlfriend is hot, in that 1960's scary-future sort of way. So is the firetruck.
  • My wife and I were wondering around the local video store a while ago and we saw a trailer/advertisement playing for this movie on one of the screens in the store. Immediately we were pretty interested, but it wasn't out on disc for another month or two then. When it finally came out we watched it. Acting was bad (granted that may have been intentional to show a society which had forgotten emotion and how to display it, though I think that would also defeat the idea of the movie that emotion is natural),

Machines have less problems. I'd like to be a machine. -- Andy Warhol
