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Journal handy_vandal's Journal: First Post

I'm some guy who's liked -- loved, adored -- computers since he was a kid. I was a teenager in the early-mid seventies ... writing BASIC on a 300 baud TTY, playing Dogfight over PLATO, reading Computer Lib and The Network Nation ... that should place me.

Roundabout the mid-nineties, when email was becoming a commonplace and the World Wide Web was taking off, I thought:

Finally -- it's about time ...!

Well, the Golden Age of the Nineties had to end. With the coming of twenty-first century globalization, my former lucrative career as a freelance programmer has seriously dried up. I still manage to make part of my living as a coder -- which is a good thing, I love coding for it's own sake, love it like a novelist loves writing novels. But it looks like the party is mostly over, chances are if I want to stay in the IT game, I'll end up writing specs and outsource the work to India.

I like irony, really I do. It's much better than a world without irony. Irony is funny plus sad in one pill. Only problem is, I forget whether it's the blue pill or the red pill ....


One of the most overlooked advantages to computers is... If they do foul up, there's no law against whacking them around a little. -- Joe Martin
