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Journal rLobster's Journal: I wish I could swim like dolphins.

The matrix II disappointed me because they misused CG in film. My dad credits this because one of the brothers wanted to rush the film before his divorce. If so, he's a stupid bastard that should be assassinated.

I haven't seen matrix III revolutions. forgive me. I will see it soon. I have two things to say to you, rosie. the first is "te quiero" and the second is in sign language, so I'll have to catch you later

I am not feeling very poetic or cynical or creative tonight. This means my entire purpose is suspended, because I do not also I have a book to read. Believe it or not, coding required a certain level of creativity(high because I lack at lot of basic knowledge and experience) and poetry and fiction and journal and music are all creative. SO I either kill things in halo or dither around random searches and wasting time with talking. that might not be wasting time.

I hate livejournal, and it hates me. it is satan.

I jsut said something risky...what will it fruit...WEll, it seems ok, but the water of the 4th gate are trecherous. That's our secret, Lela. Lela...lela baby........where are you burried here? I think I know what your thinking, but I'm biased. Lemme know sometime? it's dangerous now, 'cause I've got miles to go before I sleep, and miles further still before I really figure out what's going on. Robert Frost really was admitting in "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" that he doesn't give a damn about the meaning of life, that he's only here to stumble through and be an angel other stupid people who likewise want to stumble through. And then again, we shall she were this goes, daughter of my new wife. We shall she were this goes.
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I wish I could swim like dolphins.

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