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Journal rLobster's Journal: like a rapper

Like a rapper calls for a beat, so do I call for a textbox to type. Theme music and I love music. If you talk to someone strangely you can't except them to love you. This essay was good. Must do things but can't, leave this box. type away. Something far away from here for sure. Don't want to bastardize that great art with innundations of semi-artistic ravings, so I rave here. Interesting, isn't it?

No woman will ever love me. I'm too weird. she might for a day or two, but the sunlight creeps over the treetops and she reads this or the OTHER THING WHICH IS INSANE AND VULGAR, and she disowns her former emotion. Hashpipe by weezer . uh! Bill Gates might be Satan himself.
-"Mr. Gates, when did you know you had a monopoly?"
-"Monopoly's just a game, senetor, I want to take over the fucking world!"

how's that scotty? WIll Payne is quite a looser. I feel sorry for him, and htne want to hurt him because he's so damn annoying.

I hold no love for the world. Did you know I can quote Macbeth?
"tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow creeps in this petty pace from day to day until the last syllable of recorded time and all our yesterdays have lighted fools the way to dusty death. Out, out brief candle- Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon an empty stage. It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and furry, signifying nothing"

NDOFS why why why why why??????????????? sleeep soon consumes...........................................................................
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like a rapper

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