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Journal rLobster's Journal: Material Not Suitable for Children

As I walk through life, I'm always finding more and more things that I want to share that would not be suitable for children. Neat stuff, like avant garde (sp)poetry and techno remixes where they say "fuck" frequently. I suppose I sidestep this issue by learning to savour certain elements until suitable audiences come around. There have been times when I've lapsed and exposed young children to something coarse or something sensual, but those are mainly behind me.

I dl a bitchin' techno remix of the 9th by beethoven. It's really sweet. I love music

Goto this link: It's the homepage for surrealist poetry and prose reffered to as exquisite corpse and created by conglomerations of random thoughts between multiple persons nonconnected. It's neat-o.

"And then I saw her face, now I'm a believer!"
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Material Not Suitable for Children

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