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Journal OldHawk777's Journal: Orthodox Plutocratic Capitalism Paradigm

Capitalist Republics'(AKA: Undemocratic Governments)

Seven Dejure Rules

Rulers' Cultural Rule: Feign concerns for all menials living and dead, praise the myths of the majority and leading cenobites, "act the part" of friend.

Rulers' Economic Rule: Plutocrat Socialism/Welfare will always provide adequately for the public's good (food, shelter, health, education, ...).

Rulers' Stability Rule: You can always pay half the menial public and cenobite amateurs to kill the other half, until stability is achieved .

Rulers' Veneration Rule: The menial public, cenobite armatures, and nihilist mobs will never write history books from their unmarked/unknown mass graves.

Rulers' Patriotic Rule: Gold invested in foreign banks will get you through patriotic times, but a royal estate never gets you beyond nihilist mobs. Maintain stability with an easy to pay recreant quisling military. A fatal mistake can be an honorable military. Telling the difference is easy have your troops commit fratricide on citizens who could be relatives and friends.

Rulers' Piety Rule: May God destroy enemies of the divine rights of the wealthy. May God Bless the Wealthy and their cenobite helpers. May God provide productive offspring for capital expansion, religious donations, .... May God curse and damn the worthless poor who have no purchasing power. GOD IS GREAT! GOD'S WILL! GOD BLESS only those of the sacred virtuous "White-collar Trash", all sanctified by God to rule people!

Rulers' Capitalist Rule: Rulers' always define the capital of their regime. The capital may be material (gold, diamonds, ...), monetary (foreign only), property (foreign/domestic), and/or human resources (colleagues, bureaucratic [like a commie/nazi] cenobites, mercenaries, servants, drug dealers, ...). Capitalist must obtain capital by any means available. Capitalist must be sure to maximize exportable capital for investment in global banks/markets that will provide for their secure future somewhere.

NOTE: "Capitalist Republic" members understands the "Big Picture" priorities of the world, accepts all rulers of people as equals, are allowed to be Christian/preacher, Moslem/mullah , Jewish/rabbi, Buddhist/monk, NWO (New World Order) American, Arabic, African, European, Persian, Asian, Indian, ..., and always cost effectively utilizes xenophobic propaganda tactics as state policy/diplomacy and stability weapons. Examples: (1) Arab terrorist extend the influence of the Arab state (both Saudi Arabia and Arab community), provides no benefits for Moslems and Islamic communities around the world, but provides xenophobic camouflage for Arab Moslems and Arab communities. (2) US and EU maintain corrupt dictators, totalitarian royal families, ... for decades in power to fight a profitable xenophobic proxy war of political dogma. (3) The French maintain a foreign legion to make sure French citizens are not hurt by stupid French xenophobic colonial and Indo-China control policy. (4) ....

I cannot deside if this should be in SciFi, Prescience, Fantacy, or ...

I felt an extreem need for putting something in my journal.

Reality is a self-induced hallucination.

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Orthodox Plutocratic Capitalism Paradigm

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