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Journal rLobster's Journal: As to why (explainations) 4

I haven't written in my journal for a while because my personal thoughts of late have been abrstract or disorganzied, which does not suit a journal of this nature. Well, here I am, again, what 'da 'ya think?

I wasn't in school today because I missed the bus and had no ride. My dad didn't seem that mad over the phone, but that's a lie. He was mad, I'll discover this later.

I wasn't at junior regocnition for much the same reason, I had absolutely no ride. F-rides, because I never have them. Instead, I sit around my apartment and download crap and then delete it.

Enough bs, IS Rosie my girlfriend? I haven't asked her out since homecomming. I would've, but (fucking cars) and (fucking distences) and (fucking parents) give me no incentive. It almost seems like it wouldn't be worth the stress. She got called back for It's a Wonderful Life, and I personally think she'll get a pretty good part. Go Rosie! Va Rosita!

Steve Evans is quite an interesting person. I just sit around and think about him, the way he does things. He's the opposite of me in so many ways, sometimes it seems impossible we get along. One thing is we're both pretty nice people, and I do have some things with him. Why am I thinking about this? For some reason when posting about Rosie I was wondering what he'd do. I kinda think I know, but I ain't gonna say nothin'.

I got the best music software in the world. It's called Finale2003, and it's fantastic. It's everything I wanted, and I've used it. I had some trumpet parts(ideas) and some sax parts(ideas) that I was going to bring in today, and those parts may actually be the reason I missed the bus. Arg ... what I suffer for music .... At any rate, I do plan on getting parts for other woodwinds and low brass, but I don't have very many ideas right now. I don't have any ideas for too much right now, 'cause I'm so angry at the stupid bus and my stupid nonexsistent car. BUT... There is a drum part for butterfly, but I don't know exactly what it is. It's weird with tempo and things to notate drums, so I'll just get that notated when I make the whole big score. I know how they sound, anyways, even if I don't know how to write it. It's duh duh DUH duh duh DUH ... oh whatever.

Damn that TBBS is down, I wanted to post an idea I had. There's a one word round robin in idiotic posts, but I was going to suggest a real round robin in Fine Arts, you know, with a story where people write a couple paragraphs (or pages). We could do one seriously and/or one with nonsense in it. Or we could just do one, and see if it gets serious or ends up really weird. We did a round robin in creative writing, and I WOULD'VE gotten to read it today, but I'm kinda thinking that it wouldn't have been any good. When I got the story, it was a little boring, and that day I wasn't too inspired. Besides, the two or three paragraphs that I had read didn't give me time to love the characters, so I didn't have much to add. Who knows, maybe it will be good.

I'm getting better at WCIII and wishing I had a better graphs card. Halo lags and looks ugly, WCIII chugs when big battle happen. That game when we massed gyrocopters in a 4v4 (kinda like massing vultures in Starcraft, for those of you who don't know), that was terrible. I couldn't move the mouse, or it'd jump randomly around the screen. And then I died 'cause I really sucked back then.

I could keep this thing going all day, I bet. But I won't. I gotta clean and I gotta do some system maintenance and I gotta benchmark and I gotta do some other stuff. So I'll see you later. If the mood strikes me, I might post later today.

I think humans make the system of life to try to escape the randomness of fate, but it's a useless gesture, only temporary perspicacity, 'cause it all crumbles anyways. "The best laid plans of mice and men oft go awry." and "The pinnacle of military deployment approached the formless." To life lessons from some old scottish poet and Sun Tzu, respectively.
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As to why (explainations)

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  • A REAL round robin in fine arts would be awesome. Remember that Alias spoof I showed you? We wrote that in a round robin on sd-6.com... The idea will only work if you ban CERTAIN people, however..

The road to ruin is always in good repair, and the travellers pay the expense of it. -- Josh Billings
