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Journal rLobster's Journal: This is plain 2

I don't want to confuse anyone here. I also do not want to say what I think, because sensative eyes read this. And they do not know what I feel, and I don't want them to, because people are cool. All I can say, is there's no joy in mudville, 'cause Casey has struck out, again.

Amanda was being btichy today, but I don't hold it against her

I love music. It's now the only constant in my life. Not TBBS, not Halo, not TFT, no this fugging journal; not school days, nor weekends, nor nights; not a friend or a lover or a parent or a mentor. Music, so pure, so simple, this is how I feel.

I'm the last person who will remeber the glow-sticks. The seniors will all graduate, and no one else shadowed that day. I'm the last of the mohecians.
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This is plain

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