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Journal MsGeek's Journal: Califux0r3d big time: Ah-nold's in

I had a feeling this would happen. The polls close at 8pm, and exactly at 8pm, Dan Rather got on the tube to let everyone know that CBS/Viacom's exit polls show that the Recall won and that Arnold Schwarzenegger is now the Governor-Elect.

Perhaps either Jello Biafra or the current lineup of The Dead Kennedys should do a third installment of "California Uber Alles" for Arnold. The first was a dig at Gov. Jerry Brown, the second, entitled "We've Got A Bigger Problem Now" was a barb at Pres. Ronald Reagan.

My husband figured this election to be a fait accompli for Ah-nold almost from the very beginning. I said "nah, people aren't going to fall for this, they'll wise up and vote against the Recall." He's right. I'm wrong.

Where do I sign up for the "Recall Arnold" petitions that are inevitably going to follow? :P

fortune: cpu time/usefulness ratio too high -- core dumped.
