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Journal rLobster's Journal: Everything today so far

This is everything I have done so far today as of 3:40PM.

I woke up several times between 6:45 and 8:45, but rejected the daylight and wakeing world, returning thus to sleep. I drempt intermittently that I was a secrect agent in germany with my sister and some other people. Someone else male was important, I think Matt Schutte maybe. The other important person was a mysterious xfemale spy that I hid in the trunk of a car with at one point and tried to get her to have sex with me because that's what spies do, right? At anyrate, she wouldn't submitt to me, but I woke up feeling allright anyways, because sex always complicates things really, and the missions' success might've been compromised by carnal relations. I got up for real terribly late at 8:45 and showered and dressed about like that. Durring that time I did something which might've been considered gross to some, and during my shower I imagined ways that if someone was watching my life might not've seen that event because they had to stop watching for that moment, or they gave up because I woke up and slept again too often, so they waited until later to watch and missed that event. At any rate, I washed up extra long with luke-warm water because hot is way too hot.

It''s like 9 something, I went downstairs and ate some cookies left over from yesterday and laid down on the couch in front of the window reading grendel and listening to Yanni on my CD player. Mom came down later and took away my headphones for no good reason. I kept reading and finished the book a little later. I don't know what time it was. I went to the kitchen and snacked on something. Brit and mom were studing for their stuff, so I did about 5 minuets of work for chemistry and then went to listen to music in the basement. After that I descided to go for a walk- better yet, go eat food- better yet, go buy a poster for chemistry. I went to tell mom of this. She yelled at me for last night, again. Jerk. I didn't respond, like a Mac in Kernel Panic. Brit flirted around the halls, doing stuff. She wants to go shoe shopping. Evnetually mom descided that if I studied PSAT/SAT stuff w/ brit for 3 hours until they went to go shoe shopping, I would be absolved. So I agreed, went and bought food and a poster and then came back and studied for 3 hours. It was more like 2.15 because brit sent a lot of time explaining converting metrics to my mom, but I learned stuff, really. Yeah, wow. Then they left, mom tried to get me started on more work for chemistry, but I wanted to write this instead. I psoted on Todd's site for a while, blarring music, went to the bathroom, and then blarred music some more while I'm doing this. I'm also singing at the top of my luyngs. THis is a good song! It's by Death Cab for Cutie and it's called "Song for Kelly Huckaby". THrough research I have determined that Kelly Huckaby was a friend of theirs who got married, and they wrote the song for her wedding. To have DCFC at my wedding? AWESOME~!!!!one!!11!11!!! This is the low-fi version which sounds really hella-cool.

That's all for now. I guess I might write tomorrow night, because I won't write tonight because of the game and I have to work at 7 ugh'clock tomorrow. Also I must work a lot. Goodbye.
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Everything today so far

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