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Journal rLobster's Journal: iiit's a small world aaafter alllllllll

Did you know that center breaklights are Canadian? Did you know that 80% of all car accidents over 60mph are caused by males? Did you know that my driving instructer is Kate's uncle? No, I bet you didn't. But yes, he says hes the non-blood uncle of Katie Justus, a junior at NDCL. ....
it's a world of laughter a world of tears, it's a world of hopes it's a world of fears / if we think about it all, we are really really small, it's a small world after all...

There were other things that I wanted to say, but I can't rember them. So instead, another round of "It's a small world after all"!!!!! No? damn... Goodnight, folks!
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iiit's a small world aaafter alllllllll

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