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Journal rLobster's Journal: i'm lovin' it! 2

I'm writing now because I don't know if I'll be able to go on tonight.
I have three things on my mind. 1.McDonalds and all the strange things that happen there, 2.Rosie and how wonderful her hair looked yesterday, and 3.How I'm going to post this w/o my mom knowing.

While it would appear that 3 is already acomplished, I may yet get caught and therefore cannot daudle. When I get out early and stop over at my dad's to do something she gets deeply insulted, and that makes for bad realtions.

Mcdonalds is a strange place. Today was spent mostly making fun of the "i'm lovin' it!" employee campaign. It was suggested by a particularly cool corss-eyed manager that a whole bunch of McDonalds executives went out and got drunk, and that's where they came up with it. Another interesting thing in my line of work is that one of the clocks is EXACTLY one minuet faster than my watch. Right now my watch says 2:21:11 and the clock on the wall say 2:22:11. exactly. Also, I found a pickle stuck to the window.

Denny told me the BNL concert sold out already. I utterly don't believe him. I wouldn't be able to exsist if I did.

Well, that's about all of that. Life would be so much better if I got sucked away into a parallell universe where magic ruled instead of physics with a few select teenagers that I am friends with. I wrote a story about a kid that that happened to.
BUt alas! I am not going to get sucked up into that fantasy world, so I therefore must boldy follow Brit where no Widner has yet gone before...COLLEGE! at least in a year or two...

that's all for now, folks! gotta run!
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i'm lovin' it!

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Every cloud has a silver lining; you should have sold it, and bought titanium.
