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Journal dragoncortez's Journal: I rock. Or, I saw a band that does. 2


Interpol rocks.

Interpol rocks [insert superlative here].

Yes. I saw Interpol last night. Yes, I'm still suffering from the morning-after-glow. Yes, this glow is brighter than it normally would be due to the presence of a girl that accompanied us to the concert last night. If I say anything more, I may betray my allegiance to U2 and Coldplay. Besides, said girl might (the odds are miniscule) find this entry and uncover the truth: I am a freak.

Back to regular old /. topics: No word yet on my processor. I hope Intel doesn't take too long. Switching to the new computer is high on my list of wants.

Also: Mozilla Firebird still rocks (not as much as Interpol, though.) I even converted a good friend (who considers himself a strong proponent of Windows) to this miracle of a browser (ok, maybe not a miracle.) So the love affair mentioned in the past still burns brightly. :)

One more thing. I ran across this yesterday, thought about submitting it to the editors, but figured it was too inflammatory. Then I thought I'd write a Journal Entry (JE) about it, then it occurred to me that I've been ripping off journal entry themes from others a little too much (apologies to bethanie. :p) Besides, there really isn't that much to say about an article talking about Billy Gates and prostitutes in the same breath.

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I rock. Or, I saw a band that does.

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  • I think that's a great idea for a story submission. Of course it will be rejected -- but dammit, it's good fodder for a journal discussion!!

    Personally, I do believe that Melinda has been the humanizing factor of the Gates Foundation. Bill just isn't wired for humanitarianism, ya know?

    Is Bill to deferential to politicians? I don't think so -- I think he's smart not to apply pressure to other parties involved. Dude -- it's your money, do what you want to with it, but don't feel compelled to tell other peo
    • Well, the ripoff, of course, would be linking to a New York Times editorial and discussing it.

      No doubt it would lead to an interesting JE discussion, but it would work a lot better for someone who has a lot of fans. Sometimes I wonder just how human Bill is, though. I know it's cynical, but it doesn't seem like he gave much money away until he started getting bad press for being a miser. I don't know how much influence Melinda had in that decision.
      It seems kind of funny that public opinion can sway a

Gee, Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore.
