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Journal JDWTopGuy's Journal: Why I hate totalitarian forums 8

(There are two parts to this JE; if you don't care about the first one, scroll down.)

I hate totalitarian forums because if you dare to disagree with a moderator or admin, they ban you, remove your posts, and make themselves look good.

Here on slashdot I have CmdrTaco on my "Foes" list, partially for the heck of it, and partially because I want my funny karma back. But I don't have him banning me, telling me I'm an idiot, or otherwise screwing me just because I disagree.

The particular website I got banned from was a 4x4 Evolution 2 site. The sad thing is, it's basically the only one.

Therefore I am intent on creating one of my own, with a slash-like karma system. Unfortunately, I haven't got the time or money to be starting & running my own forum right now.

If anyone wants to recommend a good forum software to start with (anything but ASP or perl), that'd be great. Slashcode isn't right for what I'm looking to do, and I don't want to mess with perl either. Python, JSP, REBOL, maybe even PHP (never used it), but not perl. Nothing personal to you perl-freaks. ;-)

P.S. I have a GPLed software project now! jPod: Java POD-file API and utilities.

There's something else that is bugging me. Slashdot keeps screwing up the pages! Sometimes it shoves the sidebar all over the screen and never delivers the content of the page. Am I the only one this is happening to?

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Why I hate totalitarian forums

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  • There's something else that is bugging me. Slashdot keeps screwing up the pages! Sometimes it shoves the sidebar all over the screen and never delivers the content of the page. Am I the only one this is happening to?

    Possibly, yes. What browser are you using?

    The site looks fine to me in Firebird.
  • It's all about PHP!

    I will even help you create it (yay). I would highly recommend using PHPBB as your base, but you can just start from scratch (using pre-made programs is the cowards way out).

    Neways, it should be fairly easy to create, and would just require a *slight* modification.

    Check out my projects page, I have a nice file listing script (the only thing that I have posted that has a GUI to it ... and I think you would appreciate it):
    • Nice! The system info thing is really cool. The file lister is nice, I've seen many similar concepts, but that's really nicely done. (Of course I *AM* partial to OS X...)

      I suppose I'll start looking into the various options out there. I've heard good things about PHP.

      The biggest problem is hosting. I'd self-host but I haven't got high speed yet, and AFAIK there's no "SpeakEasy" like DSL or cable in my area. Hosting not allowed. :-( If I had hosting, I'd already be throwing together some sort of page. Oh w
      • Hmm ... it seems that you need hosting.

        I would be glad to provide you hosting, at no charge. I would even contribute to help you add features to you site, such as the bittorrent auto-creation that you mentioned (which shouldn't be too difficult, after I actually look at how the files are made).

        I don't know about the apache module, but I imagine that it wouldn't exist, because the server has no idea which files need to be served.

        Send me an e-mail, and we can talk :) Or! AIM: "A craftyIdiot"
        • That's really cool of ya. Tell you what, I'm going to try and get phpBB set up on my linux box and screw around with it.

          I'll definitely get back to you on the hosting bit. :-D

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