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Journal AssFace's Journal: can't get enough of that... something something.

I think it was Golden Grahms or something... except I can't spell.

I developed a new alogrithm over the past few days - new to me - but in the financial world, I suppose nothing is really new, it is just a matter if you have noticed it yet or not. I'm sure if I noticed it, so have others.

Initially I saw really fantastic returns with it... fantastic returns always make me think something is wrong.
Sure enough, there was - the returns were still legit, but they weren't guarenteed and instead just lucky.

Then modified the code down and got much better results. Over 2000 stocks, 80% of them return a positive result of an average of 40% return over a year.

I'm tweaking it now to see if I can get the 80% closer to 100% and ideally still keep the returns higher.
Not sure if it is better to have 100% at 13% gain, or 80% at 40% gain.
I think everyone would rather a 40% gain, but what good is that if it is a gamble? Not much.

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can't get enough of that... something something.

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