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Journal jeffy124's Journal: Here I Am / Rocking Like a Hurricane!! 3

Who sang the song mentioned in the subj? Seems appropriate for the situation. It came on the radio while driving to the deli for lunch yesterday. Thought to myself it would be the perfect tune to play at some point during the Phillies game that afternoon.

Isabel roared through last night. Big heavy winds that seemed to just stay in the tree tops. No major damage beyond a large branch that fell out of a tree. We lost power around 9:30 last night, and it's still out this morning. News radio this morning did not make reference to state of emergency requiring people to stay home, so I'm now at work, and have yet to see another person here. Someone is here, the coffee has been made and I hear a keyboard off in the distance puttering away.

Aha! Someone just walked past my cube.

Phillies game yesterday was a big one. A desparately needed win. All they need now is more wins combined with Marlin losses and they'll be in the playoffs. The Cincinatti Reds come into town for three games. FortKnox (and other Cincy folk), do you think you guys could spare some W's this weekend? The Phils could really use them.

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Here I Am / Rocking Like a Hurricane!!

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