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Journal AssFace's Journal: Komodo is good... yeah

I actually bought Komodo from ActiveState and used it a lot with my Perl test programs. It is an editor and I tested it out for a bit and liked it so much that I decided to go ahead and buy it.

I had been using 2 for awhile, then went up to 2.2 and then I finally looked today and saw that 2.5 was out.
I downloaded that and installed it - hot damn! It looks as if it uses less RAM, looks a little better, has a few nice features in the UI, and responds more quickly.

It is rare when I use a product and then am pleasantly suprised by it.

Worked out a new stock algorithm that looks as if it averages 16% a year on $10K put in - trying to play with it so that it can get higher than that.

There is a public transportation strike here right now, so I am renting a scooter to get me to and from work. As a result, I will likely try to come in earlier and leave later just to avoid the bulk of the traffic.
Maybe I can get up and run - for a few weeks I've missed it now due to stupid injuries (speared my foot with a cutrain rod and dropped a machete on my leg) and a hurricane.

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Komodo is good... yeah

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Why do we want intelligent terminals when there are so many stupid users?
