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Journal robi2106's Journal: US Air Force Thunderbird Crashes in My Back Yard 1

Ok, so it is actually 30 miles out of Boise.... But that is basically my back yard. Mountain Home AFB, being the largest AFB in the Northwest, is a pretty big deal here in Boise and when stuff happens there it gets attention.

Add to the fact that a guy I studdied Java with last night (for my class), was there when it happened and witnessed that crash.... that just makes it even more personal.

News articles were kind of hard to find (quite odd actually). National article is here and local news coverage is here and here (best coverage)

I have been to many many air shows. I grew up in Florida for 15 years next to Patrick AFB. I have seen lots of air shows. I have seen the Blue Angels and the Thunderbirds as well as the Snowbirds (realy stunning flight maneavures brought to you by the guys to the North).

With the exception of when I was real young and the planes were too loud for my little ears, I have loved every single one I went to.


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US Air Force Thunderbird Crashes in My Back Yard

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  • My brother-in-law is stationed at that base, so I'm sure he had an up close look at the crash. I haven't talked to him since it happened, but I am going to call over there today. I just heard about it this morning. On a side note, I got to see the BLue Angels this week end. They were flying over my house.

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