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Journal Aggrazel's Journal: What Johnny Cash meant to me...

Oddly enough I wore all black today.

Traveling down an old dusty country road, in my Fathers 1955 Ford Pickup, with an 8 track tape of Johnny Cash in the deck...

This one summer, I was either 10 or 11 years old, my dad got a job salvaging a unused railroad in Southeastern Ohio, we had to cut the railroad into manageable chunks and toss the iron into a beat up old Ford Pickup truck, take it to the salvage yard. We must have played the old Johnny Cash tape 150 times. Oddly enough I never got tired of it.

My favorite song, "Sunday Morning, Coming Down"... and unlike most artists there really isn't a single song he sang that I didn't like, which is interesting considering the spiritual nature of some of the songs and me being an Agnostic.

"May the circle be unbroken"

Goodbye, Johnny, I'll miss you...

We have a equal opportunity Calculus class -- it's fully integrated.
