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Journal AssFace's Journal: 3 things, and one is to help a /. brother out (please) 1

3 things - the first being where you can help me out.

1) I started my own company out to a public face. It has been going along okay now just to private people, but not it is up to the scary public. It is up at
I am still trying to resolve what credit card processing company I will use - it might be PayPal, but I'd prefer not for a few reasons.
My current customers have just been paying me directly since I know them in person.
I tried to use WorldPay since they will process worldwide currency, but they didn't like that my site is vaguely "stock market predicitions".
I tried half-heartedly, knowing full well it was going well over the poor ladies head, to explain that this isn't as if I'm just winging it, but it is a lot of computation there that is the same as what Fidelity and many other big investment firms use... it fell on deaf ears. I suppose if you don't "get it", then it seems equally improbable as picking stocks from a crystal ball would.

The gist if the overall idea is that it uses genetic algorithms, neural nets, a bit of natural language processing (although that is honestly mostly to build up the database to be used at a later date and it doesn't really contribute to the current output), and a few other fun little tricks to generalize ideas about how and when stocks will move.
It then outputs on any given day what it feels will move in the near future. If you look back through my journal, you will see that I was putting up some of the results of it and it was doing well.

Anyway, please give it a look and if you know people that are interested in such things, please tell them to check out the site and sign up or email me if they are interested.

I am still going to try to apply for a position with a hedge fund here and use more advanced code with them. If that falls through, then the code will all go into the SS site.
Comments (good and especially really mean nasty bad ones since this is the faceless internet) are always welcome. Even if not about the site.
(interestingly enough, Kimble of infamy seems to be scamming his way along with something called which is pretty much what I am trying to do - except his isn't real and is to rip off investors in his product, and mine is real and actually works... his has a cooler interface for sure though)

2) I tried SpamNet - the Cloudmark spam stopping service. It sucked. I am now trying SpamBayes and running the most current version. I haven't had any mail to check on it yet. During the time of the first Blaster worm, my spam levels dropped down to about 60 a day - Slashdot also posted that a big name spammer had been caught and stopped as well - so maybe the combo of it did that. Either way, I'm back up over 100 a day now.

speaking of the Blaster worm, I got a security notice that there is a new RPC hole in MS OSes and that I should patch all that.

As a result, that brings up number...
3) I am installing's hfnetchk right now. It will supposedly scan the network and check which machines don't have certain patches installed, and then install the patches on them and keep track of all of that.
Our network is small, so it is feasible that I won't have to register for the Pro version - we are slightly smaller than the Pro version minimum, and slightly larger than the free version max - so it means there is a big price annoyance there.
I will try to remember to post up later what I think of it. One of our IT consultants loves it and highly recommends it.

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3 things, and one is to help a /. brother out (please)

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  • Comments (good and especially really mean nasty bad ones since this is the faceless internet) are always welcome. Even if not about the site.

    What's the difference between you and Jerry Falwell with a cold? One's a sick pastor and I can't remember how it ends, but your mother's a whore.

    You asked for it.

The IQ of the group is the lowest IQ of a member of the group divided by the number of people in the group.
