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Journal AssFace's Journal: hurricane Fabian has left the building 1

It came, it saw, it fucked up the island.

My place is fine, and I only got a minor machete wound while trying to help others clean up their messes.

The main thing is that it has allowed me to see people under stress - and they change completely. It brings out the nutbags and the assholes.

I'm amazed at the number of people that feel they were saved solely because they prayed to God during the storm. I wonder why God brought the storm in the first place?

I've had to deal directly with two crazy old ladies here - one is a neighbor whom I have to be nice to since we want to buy her house from her. The other one is my fiancee's grandma.
One thinks God saved her and the other old lady's car because she was praying for herself and the car. Seems a bit daft to waste God's time praying for a car when 4 people died on the causeway.
This same woman doesn't like modern radio because it doesn't prase the lord enough and is corrupting our children. She also feels that Harry Potter is the occult and is a work of the devil and it is making evil demon children.

The grandmother doesn't listen when we say that since the power is out, the water pumps can't work, therefore we can't use ANY water at all. If we do, it draws the existing water out of the pipes and then can cause a vaccuum and break the system - requiring a plumber to fix (which they aren't usually all that good at from what I have seen in the past) and there is no way we will get one during this post storm craziness.
Well, she then claims that she only uses "a little bit" of water. As if that doesn't count. She was still flushing her toilet and since it worked, she figured she was special.
She feels that the storm was a result of man's abuse of the environment. Even though she has been in other hurricanes.


at least I have power, water, and internet at work.

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hurricane Fabian has left the building

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  • Glad to hear you're OK.

    Before she died, my grandmother would provide endless hours of entertainment with her propensity for rudeness and/or forgetfulness. She made Alf Garnett sound possibly mild-mannered at times... :-)


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