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Journal AssFace's Journal: Holy Christ this man is an idiot. 3

I work for a company.
The company has two owners.
One owner is a bright guy, but admits that he knows nothing of technology and leaves it all up to me. The other owner fancies himself to be very technically savvy, but he basically only knows that he likes shiny stuff that runs on battery power. It is this owner that makes my life at work miserable.

So painful owner regularly gives me annoying things to do for him, such as finding PDAs that don't exist with features that only he desires.
He is constantly terrified that hackers are breaking into his system to read all of his email.

Speaking of email, he keeps every message that he ever receives or sends. I told him that he could back them up to his local drive and keep some of the messages off of the server (since he refuses to let me increase the drive space on the mail server). So he backs them up to his local drives now. They still remain on our mail server, which also has nightly backups run on it. Then he occasionally also burns out backups of his mail out to CD as well. Nothing like obscene redundancy of things that don't matter. I think he just wants to feel important.
He also had an idea of running a CAT5 cable out one of our windows and over an alleyway to the building next to us (this wire would just hang out over a 2 story drop, spanning well over 12 feet), and then a company in that building would backup our stuff, and we would back up theirs.
I tried to explain that the ideal solution would be outside of the country, let alone one building over. He would have none of that. He is also apparently oblivious to weather or the durability of these wires.

Basically, he won't authorize purchases unless they are from his own batty ideas. As a result, I know our servers are very close to hosing themselves, at which point we will have to upgrade them as part of the repair process. He will then take me aside and talk to me as if I were a child and tell me that I need to let him know about such things ahead of time so that we can fix them before they become a major problem. I will then let him know that I did let him know, and he will dismiss this as totally insane.

If you have ever read All Creatures Great and Small or seen the show, he is like the boss in that, except not at all charming nor ever likeable.
He says racist and sexist things, sends porn through our e-mail system, and is constantly making it sound like his family loves him even though he makes a point to never be home so as never to have to deal with them. He also occasionally drinks so much that he passes out. He is at least in his 40s. Totally classy.

So anyway, Tuesday I get an email from him telling me that he is very interested in after seeing a TV show talk about it on the BBC. He told me that he wanted me to register with it because it was the wave of the future and superior.
I looked into it, not even knowing what the hell it was. It is a search engine. They essentially scan all of other search engines and then when you do a search with them, they combine all of those results. If you register with them, it means you pay to get placed higher in the searches done for certain words.
He didn't get this at all - totally overlooking the paying part, insisting it was free - regardless of what their site says. He also was determined that registering with them would immediately put us up at the top of the searches for all of the search engines that this site looked at. Right.
So I told him that if we were going to pay, then we are far better off using Google. They have the ads that we can pay for on a per click basis. He then was worried that they would charge us for every hit that our site gets (which is like 3 a year anyway). I then had to explain that no, they only charge on people that see the ad and then click on that to get to our site.
He decided he wasn't too keen on that because someone would "very likely" write a script that would just keep banging on that link just so as to maliciously run up our fees. I had no response for that one.

I dread every time I see the guy - I know that he is working on some new retarded thing to say to me.

There were two secretaries scanning on our Xerox system today and he walked up to them and said "scuse me, I'm just gonna make a copy" and then they kept working and he got pissy. They explained that they needed to do continuous scanning and he couldn't just pop in and out like that. He looked like a little kid that was told he would have to wait until after dinner to get his ice cream. I'm sure he will later talk to someone about having them fired and then talk to me about wanting a personal Xerox machine in his office for free. (he always wants the sky, but doesn't want to pay a thing)

Also, they are trying to consoldate two floors of office space into one floor and it is going to be a disaster - all because this guy doesn't want to move out of this building. Which also means our net connection is going to stay slower than retarded speed.

My own company is about two weeks from being live - I'm desperately hoping that it makes me enough that I don't need to work here. Then once I'm married I can stay here and not have to work - can't wait.


I am considering starting up a site that just chronicles everything that this man does - but I'm nervous that he will stumble on it.

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Holy Christ this man is an idiot.

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Why do we want intelligent terminals when there are so many stupid users?
