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Journal MonTemplar's Journal: Sunday Supplement - 31st August 2003 2


Giant lizard terrorises Beirut

Urban sprawl piles on the pounds

Preaching white supremacy in South Africa

New Zealand tackles growing racism
Giant lizard terrorises Beirut

No, not Godzilla. Apparently, a Komodo Dragon is roaming the neighbourhood, and is believed to be responsible for the disappearance of several pets. The authorities are trying to get photographic evidence of the beast's identity...
Urban sprawl piles on the pounds

According to a report published in the American Journal of Health Promotion, the average weight of the population of a residential area is linked to the distance of shops and services - the theory being that the closer they are, the more likely you are to walk there rather than take the car. So people in "sprawling" districts are more obese than those living in "compact" district.

Maybe this isn't as blindingly obvious over there... :-)
Preaching white supremacy in South Africa

Nearly a decade on from the end of apartheid, some people still hanker for the past. Like Reverend Willie Smith, founder of the church of Lewende Hoop (Living Hope), and his congregations.

"We know that we are God's people, he forbid us to mix with other nations, to marriage with other nations, to live on the same level as they are. We see this ANC government as punishment [for abandoning apartheid]," says Reverend Smith.

However, offering his support to the 22 people currently standing trial for plotting a bombing campaign against government targets isn't going to endear him much to the majority of South Africans...
New Zealand tackles growing racism

Clean, green - and racist? New Zealand's image is taking a beating with new research showing that 70% of its citizens think that Asians face significant discrimination.

This is not a new phenomenon - similar opposition faced migrants from the Pacific islands in the 1970s.

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Sunday Supplement - 31st August 2003

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