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Journal AssFace's Journal: users are funny.

I work with a lot of accountants. I know very little about accounting - so I likely amuse them in the same way that they amuse me.

But with the recent increase of virus messages, I am seeing that people here really don't get that we have virus protection in place on the mail server, so when they get a message from the virus scanning system, that in itself isn't a virus - yet they still call me about it - and I hate the phone.

I'm also seeing that when I told people I setup a mail scanning program to try to help reduce the spam, they apparently thought that I meant "totally negate" the spam.
So they call me and forward me all mail when it gets through, which is good since I need to make it aware of those, but they always act so offended that it got through - ignoring the 2000+ other messages that were blocked that day - instead only focusing on that one that got through.
Also, they really truly seem to think that I sit there and scan the mail and that is the spam system. I tried to explain that I modified some code to do it, but they still seem to talk to me as if I'm the one letting spam through, instead of some program.

Oh well.

I've been riding a scooter into work for this week - it is very fun.

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users are funny.

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