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Journal Dannon's Journal: Fallout

The 74th General Convention is over, Rev. Robinson has been confirmed as a bishop, and moment-to-moment attention of the national 24-hour news networks has shifted away from the Episcopal Church to cover the circus in California. (On a tangent: Just saw Chicago this weekend. Great movie. The news media really is as portrayed. Razzle dazzle.)

The real story, though, has just begun. Now comes the fallout. The effect of the cause. I'll start by sticking to the facts and what might yet happen.

A number of Episcopal churches across the country have begun withholding their tithes to their dioceses. Others are waiting to see what happens at the meeting of the primates that has been called by the Archbishop of Canterbury for mid-October. The Kenyan Anglican bishops have threatened to break all ties with the American Episcopal Church. Still others stateside seem to be in the dark as to what the controversy is all about.

Whatever happens, this is big. Especially the whole withholding of tithes to dioceses. We're talking lots of money, lots of property. The diocese holds the legal title to each church's land and property. A bishop has the authority to fire the priest and kick out the congregation, if push comes to shove. And sure, you can always hire another priest, but if the congregation pulls away, you can't just pull in new worshippers off the streets.

This isn't the first time "splinter groups" have broken away from the Episcopal Church. In 1873, the Reformed Episcopal Church was born. In 1977, the priest at the church my parents now attend was present as a deacon-in-training at the forming of the Anglican Church in America. And today in sermon, he pointed out another big problem you get whenever a church splits in an issue of politics against theology. It's not just the faithful followers who join the splinter movement. The kooks come out of the woodwork, every one seeing an opportunity to become a bishop and claim a "flock".

I'll just mention one thing on Rev. Robinson. I heard it mentioned that he was asked whether a priest in a heterosexual extramarital relationship should ever be promoted to bishop. His answer: A strong, quick, definite no. Followed by a quick "Next question, please," before it could be asked how the gender of the lover makes a difference.

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