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Journal ObitMan's Journal: I used to be user 31227..( or why I enjoy posting at -1 now) 12

But i rarely logged in more than once a week.
When slash 2.0 came along my password didn't work anymore.
I tried to get my password mailed to me but i lost the email acct I was using the same day.
No biggie, so i created a new account and became user 516458.
All of a sudden i'm at -2 for making perfecty valid on topic comments.
Then i saw the wisdom of -1 posting.
you cant get modded any lower and if you have something valid to say some smart moderator will bring it up.
as for karma, who cares.
Besides. reading at -1 is a break from the pendantic nature of most posts. Truly inspiring.

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I used to be user 31227..( or why I enjoy posting at -1 now)

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  • Rob Malda's Wild "Open Sauce" Geek Adventure by Metrollica [slashdot.org]

    Rob "CmdrTaco" Malda finds out just how interesting an "open sauce" Linux geek's life can really be.

    Contains sex between members of the same sex. If this subject matter offends you whatsoever DO NOT continue reading.
    Contains information of Rob Malda and other's personal geek life which may or may not be true.

    Cast of Characters:
    Rob "CmdrTaco" Malda [CmdrShithead] - Creator of the popular Microsoft bashing technology website Slashdot
    Jon "Rat Bastard" Katz - Rat bastard who just won't quit his job at Slashdot
    Michael Sims - Linux homo-geek
    Timothy Lord - Linux homo-geek
    Linus Torvalds [Linux Toreballs] - Creator and hacker of the Linux kernel
    Richard Stallman [Dirty Bearded GNU Hippie] - Pioneer of the open source movement and GNU project
    Steve Ballmer - Chief Executive of Microsoft
    Bill Gates - Chairman of Microsoft
    Jamie McCarthy - Linux homo-geek
    Microsoft employees - Creatures that rape Malda in forest
    Alan Cox [Anal Cocks] - Linux kernel hacker
    Jeff "Hemos" Bates [Homos] - Linux homo-geek
    Robin "Roblimo" Miller [Roblowme] - Linux homo-geek
    Jonathan "CowboyNeal" Pater [CoiboiKneel] - Linux homo-geek
    Mrs. Malda - Very affectionate mother of Rob and user of Windows

    Part I - Section I

    Rob "CmdrTaco" Malda sat back in his chair gently massaging his cock late on a Friday night. He was leafing through the latest issue of the Leisure Times porn catalog, contemplating which video he was going to buy next. The jerk-off factor of each video decreased after a few weeks, so he had to constantly update his collection.

    Malda often spent late night hours at his Slashdot office like this. The rest of the Slashdot crew always thought he was working late on improving Slashdot; he was notoriously slow in finishing the next Slashcode revision. Or doing work on the latest Slashdot story submission. The Slashdot crew thought correctly that Malda had no personal life.

    "Hmmm, should I get 'Killer Cumshots' or 'Ass Eating Insanity'? Or maybe I ... Ooohhh..." moaned Malda when he turned the page to the all-boys section; his cock throbbed with lust. "OK, how about 'Uncut Hunks' and 'Babes with Balls', you little freak," he said to his cock as he started to pump a little harder. He reached for the lube in his bottom drawer, slathering his hand and cock with the slippery stuff. He closely examined each small picture on the page. He especially liked the really muscular young guy in 'Boot Camp Boys'. Oh, to run his hands up and down that smooth, muscular stomach as he knelt in front of him, pulling that huge cock into his mouth...

    Malda arched his back and groaned as he came, shooting cum all over his desk and keyboard. He slumped back down into the chair as his breathing slowed to normal. "I'm definitely going to order 'Uncut Hunks' and 'Boot Camp Boys'."

    After a few minutes he pushed his cock back into his pants and wiped up the lube and cum with some tissues. This had become almost a nightly ritual as far back as he could remember. Probably even before Jon Katz's time. Malda wondered if that old rat bastard would ever quit his job at Slashdot.

    "I wonder if any of these videos star brunettes with green eyes?" Malda said thoughtfully as he flipped back through his catalog. "Or petite redheads?" He chuckled as he looked at the ad for 'Clit Licking Lezzies'.

    Then Malda started to daydream about Michael Sims and Timothy Lord 69'ing each other. "Not again," he groaned as he leaned back to pull his erection out of his pants. He got into a great rhythm. The subjects of his daydream morphed from two homosexual men to two other homosexual men--Richard Stallman and Linus Torvalds sucking each other's cocks.

    "Yeah, that's it. That's it!" he panted, imagining himself sliding deftly in between those two geek hunks. He wanted nothing more than to be on his hands and knees sucking Stallman's cock with Torvalds fucking his ass.

    "Uh...uh..." whimpered Malda; he could feel the cum ready to explode out of his cock when the door to the office slammed open and heavy footsteps, belonging to 2 or 3 people, pounded on the floor. Before he could cry out or even identify the intruders a heavy, black hood was shoved over his head and he was hauled roughly to his feet.

    Part II

    *Damn. What the hell was I doing with my back to the door?* Malda thought angrily, kicking himself mentally. He had swivelled his chair to face the wall to give himself more room for the urgent thrusting his raging hormones had screamed out for and now he was paying the price for his lack of self-control.

    "Hey, can we talk about this?" he pleaded before an open hand to the side of his head convinced him to be silent. His silent assailants manouvered him away from his desk, positioning him in the small space between the desk and open door.

    His hands were pulled behind his back and secured with soft leather cuffs. One gloved hand brushed his neck, a leathery thumb carressing his neck, finding the exact spot that caused spasms of pleasure to ripple through his body.

    A heavy thump sounded to his right, followed by the rusty squeal of a zipper. He sensed someone kneeling next to him, could feel warm breath on his still exposed cock. Noises of items being removed from what he guessed was an army style duffel bag fired his imagination, setting in motion a hundred and one images from his fantasy filled brain.

    His pants were unzipped and pulled down along with his 'Star Wars: The Phantom Menace' boxers, drawing a snicker from the two men in the room. Once he was naked from the waist down, he was startled to feel cold liquid being sprayed on his feet and legs and then his feet lifted one at a time into what felt like vinyl boots. No... more like a wet-suit, slick and body-hugging. The body suit was worked slowly upwards, with more lubricating oil applied to ease the journey.

    When his legs were fully covered, more scented oil was applied liberally to his cock and balls, before they too were enveloped in a tight vinyl sheath. He felt the nozzle of the spray bottle placed gently between his buttocks, inserting a large dollop of grease inside his anus. He tried to impale himself on the intruder, to gain release form the mounting pressure in his balls, but firm hands on his hips held him still, denying him what he needed most.

    The nozzle was removed and quickly replaced by a medium-sized butt plug, not big enough to tear or hurt him, but enough to stretch and fill him. Then the suit was quickly rolled up his backside, holding the plug firmly inside of him.

    He had an idea who his mysterious assailants might be and since they had yet to cause him harm, he put up no resistance to their preparations. Indeed it was as if they had read his thoughts, had climbed inside one of his favourite fantasies and were recreating it for him and only him.

    As the dressing continued, Malda grew very relaxed and peaceful, the oil warming against his skin, congealing to pull the body suit even tighter, until he could no longer tell where his flesh ended and the material began. His exposed flesh was massaged by the sprayer, alternating between feather-light fingertip touches and whole hand carresses, before the oil was applied and then the slick vinyl covered another inch, creeping upwards at a steady rate, like some form of living creature. He didn't even remember when they removed his shirt and tie so they could fit his arms into the tight sleeves.

    However he did begin to panic when he felt the vinyl reach his throat, certain that they would continue until he was fully encased in shiny black, unable to see, to breathe, to call out. The hood was claustrophobic enough, the full mask he envisioned them using was utterly terrifying.

    He must have been visisbly shaking with fear, for he was suddenly embraced from behind and in front, sandwiched between two strong, solid bodies. Two rigid erections pressing against him, soothing whispers in his ears, comforting him, letting him know that he was not in danger.

    And then the hood was removed and Malda felt his erection deflate as he stared at the naked, pasty-white body of Steve Ballmer.

    Part III

    "Damn," Malda muttered, not even wanting to look at who was behind him. "What are you doing here bothering me?" he whined.

    "Shut up, Malda," Ballmer said as he grabbed the upper flaps of the suit to shake Malda. "Who did you expect? A certain kernel hacker? Torvalds ain't here, but Bill Gates is," he said as he nodded to Gates standing behind Malda.

    Malda turned to look, and saw that Gates was completely naked already. He looked very strong, barrel-chested and stocky, like a heavyweight boxer. Gates took hold of Malda's suit to turn him around. He had waited for this moment for a couple of years now, ever since the embarrassment of Malda's website running crude editor biased stories on Microsoft.

    "Malda, listen to me - and DON'T interrupt," Gates said as Malda opened his mouth to protest. "You caused Ballmer and I a lot of trouble and embarrassment these past years. And frankly, you'd been nothing but trouble the whole time you have been running Slashdot. I'm not like Torvalds - I don't put up with that kind of crap from my friends. If they give me trouble, I put them in their place immediately. Isn't that right, Steve?" Gates asked.

    "Yes, sir."

    "And how do I enforce discipline, Steve? How did I handle that little incident you and I had last week?"

    "You fucked me, sir," Ballmer replied.

    "What was that?" Gates asked.

    "You fucked me like I deserved to be fucked," Ballmer said quietly, averting his eyes from Malda's inquiring gaze.

    "That's right. You screw me over, or my company, and you get screwed. Literally. I've only known one person who never got punished the way he deserved. Do you know who that is, Malda?" Gates shook Malda to punctuate his remark.

    "Uh, me, sir," mumbled Malda, already dreading where this was going.

    "That's right. And do you know why you never felt my wrath, Malda?"

    "No, sir."

    "Because of that damn Linux geek culture backing you up! It seems they had plans for you - I think sex slave comes closest to explaining it. It was going to be the ultimate reward for your efforts to destroy Microsoft by making you a lovely, obedient sex slave."


    "This is payback time. And, I figured since poor little Ballmer here suffered quite a bit from Slashdot as well, I thought he should get a little compensation too. He's turned out to be quite the tip-top chief executive - it only took a couple of ass-fucks on top of my desk to improve his performance."

    "I don't think Torvalds would appreciate you treating his friends this way," said Malda in a desperate attempt to save himself.

    Gates shook Malda violently. "Don't mention that man's name in my presence again! The only thing that would have made this evening turn out perfect was to have Torvalds here. You see, we had plans for him too." Gates pointed to another vinyl suit, much like Malda's, spilling out of the duffel bag.

    "Ballmer, get the gag."

    "Yes, sir," replied Ballmer as he picked up the second duffel bag. He pulled out a gag that had a short but thick dildo attached to it. He brought it over to Gates. Malda didn't say a word; he watched Ballmer in mute fascination.

    Gates took it and was about to shove it into Malda's mouth, but he stopped.

    "I've changed my mind. Steve, take off the suit." Gates grabbed Malda by what little hair he had and pushed him back onto his desk. Ballmer unzipped the suit and peeled it off of Malda. Gates held Malda's arms down once they were free of the suit. "Get the handcuffs."

    Ballmer removed a pair of leather cuffs from the bag. "Cuff Malda's arms behind his back," Gates said as he flipped Malda over. Ballmer attached the cuffs. Gates grabbed Malda by his hair and dragged him off the desk until he was kneeling down, naked and still shiny from the spray.

    Part IV

    "Malda, it's time that you started making your apologies to Ballmer. Steve, you can lean against the desk." Gates took Malda's head and pushed it into Ballmer's crotch. "Malda, I'm only going to tell you this once. You will give Steve the best cock-sucking he has ever had, or we're going to put you back in the suit and make an example out of you to all the other open source advocates. You got that?" Gates asked, shaking Malda's head.

    "Yeah, I got it," grumbled Malda. Suck Ballmer's cock! Ugh. After his great fantasies of Torvalds and Stallman, to be faced with the reality of the little pink worm in front of him - it was too disappointing.

    "Do it!" demanded Gates.

    "Ok, ok, don't shout," Malda said as he moved forward to get comfortable.

    Malda tentatively ran his tongue up the length of Ballmer's still-soft cock. Ballmer let out a little moan and put his hand on Malda's head. His cock began to swell as Malda continued to lick up and down the shaft. Once it stood straight, Malda took the length of into his mouth. He couldn't believe he was doing this. His own cock even began to swell as he attacked Ballmer's cock more hungrily. Fully erect it wasn't half bad - he might get through this night after all. Of course Ballmer had to ruin it by talking.

    "I have dreamed about this moment Malda. The thought of you on your knees in front of me, servicing me! And I'm going to have a momento of this occasion too," he said pointing to Gates who was videotaping the whole scene.

    Malda tried to pull back to protest, but Ballmer grabbed his head with both hands and began to fuck his face. Malda stunned himself by getting into the rhythm as Ballmer let go of his head. Malda let go of the cock, ran his tongue down the underside, and onto and around Ballmer's balls.

    "Wow, you're really getting into this, ain't you Malda? You like it? You like to suck cock?" said Ballmer as Malda returned to deep throating his cock.

    "No wonder Torvalds was so anxious to have you with the Linux community," said Gates. "He didn't want to lose such a good cocksucker."

    "Shut up," said Malda as he let go of the cock for a moment.

    "Ooohh, I'm going to cum!" cried Ballmer as he started to jerk his hips forward.

    "Malda, stop!" yelled Gates. "Steve, blow your wad on your chest and stomach!"

    "What?!" cried Ballmer.

    "Just do it!"

    "OK!" Ballmer grabbed his cock from Malda's mouth, gave it a few quick jerks, and shot his cum all over his torso. He continued to finger the head of his cock as his breathing slowed.

    "Why did you want me to do that?" Ballmer asked.

    "Malda, I want you to lick Steve's chest clean."

    "No!" yelled Malda, attempting to stand up. Gates grabbed his hair and shoved him back down.

    "You heard me! Do it!" He shook Malda's head again.

    "Stop doing that! That really hurts!"

    "Obey me then."

    Malda shot Gates a deadly look, then turned his attention to Ballmer. Ballmer half-sat on the desk, his chest and stomach dripping cum. Malda shuffled his way forward and started quickly licking.

    "I said slowly," growled Gates from behind the video camera.

    Malda slowed down, running his tongue over Ballmer's stomach. His own cock was beginning to throb as he thought about what he was doing. He lingered on Ballmer's navel, then slowly worked his way up. The final bit of cum was on the left nipple; he took a long time cleaning that area off, nibbling and licking at the nipple for a while. He couldn't believe he was doing this! And with Ballmer! When he finished, he sat back on his ankles, looking down at his own erection.

    "It looks like you really liked that Malda," Gates said softly as he walked over to Malda. He wrapped his fingers in Malda's hair, pulled his head back, and began to kiss Malda. At first Malda resisted, but he soon found himself returning the kiss, running his tongue inside the Gates' mouth, savoring the flavor.


    "Yeah, Steve," replied Gates after slowing withdrawing from Malda's mouth.

    "You need to see this."

    "What is it?" Gates said as he turned around. Ballmer was pointing to to a nudist magazine that was partly obscured by the numerous skin mags on Malda's desk. Keeping his pudgy fingers firmly entwined in his captive's thick hair, Gates used his free hand to pull the magazine off the desk. It fell open to a well used page, the small amount of text partially obscured with dried cum. It was a centerfold showing a scene which immediately fired Gates's sadistic imagination and his anger that he was not the focus of the altered picture.

    *That can soon be amended,* he thought.

    "So, you're into all that back-to-nature crap, Malda?" Gates sneered, holding the triple-length centerfold up to reveal all its artistic glory. "Grown men dancing naked around camp-fires, chanting gibberish and banging their drums before fucking each other senseless?"

    Malda's face turned red as he saw what picture Gates was referring to.

    "I am a horse's ass," he muttered, hanging his head to hide his humiliation. He had doctored the picture with old archival photos he had found of Torvalds, Stallman, and himself on Google Groups. He had pasted face shots of his two lovers to the muscular bodies of the Tarzan-like male models posing around the bonfire. They were on their knees in dutiful worship at the base of his throne, gazing up at him in utter adulation, ready and willing to cater to his every whim. *Why couldn't it be like that in reality, why was he the one who lived only to serve his masters, no matter what they required of him* Only in the late night privacy of his deserted office did he allow himself to fantasize the situation reversed, never having the courage to demand equality in the very one-sided relationship he shared with Linus and Richard.

    "Did I give you permission to speak?" Gates barked, backhanding Malda across the face and sending him crashing to the floor.

    "No." Malda struggled to rise to his knees, not looking at either of his captors, sending a silent plea for rescue to his lovers and his partner.

    Out of the corner of one eye, Malda saw Gates raise his hand to deliver another blow and knew what he was waiting for. "No, Sir."

    The blow came anyway but somehow he managed to stay upright, his vision blurred and teary.

    "Call me Master, boy and maybe you won't have to warm Steve's bed tonight."

    Malda looked up to see Ballmer eyeing him lustfully and he almost threw up at the prospect of being fucked by the weasel who had tried to destroy his open source advocacy group.

    "Yes, Master."

    Ballmer was clearly upset that Malda had chosen to obey his new Master rather than allow himself to be his sex-toy for the night. He brushed up against Gates, rubbing himself on the older man's body like a bitch-in-heat.

    "But you promised he would be mine for the whole night...."

    Gates swatted Ballmer aside like an annoying blowfly, focusing his attention on how they could get Malda out of the building without raising unwanted attention. He walked over to where the duffel bags lay on the carpet and upended the largest one, spilling its contents.

    "Gag him, Ballmer and put him in the bag," he ordered with a malicious gleam in his dark eyes.

    Before Malda could react, Ballmer shoved the dildo-gag into his mouth, securing the leather straps painfully tight. He gripped Malda under the arms and hauled him to his feet and over to the canvas coffin. A swift kick to his shins soon had him lying on his side, his lanky legs folded up so that his chin rested on his knees. He quickly secured Malda's ankles with duct tape and drew the sides of the bag up and over the captive. He was about to zip up the body-bag when inspiration struck and he shoved his smelly underwear and socks into the bag.

    Gates was busy jerking himself off over Malda's 'Got Root?' ThinkGeek t-shirt when he heard an embarrassed cough. He turned to find Ballmer struggling to lift the bag off the floor. Not even trying to hide his disgust, he stormed out of the office, returning minutes later with a large wheely-bin. He laid it on the floor on its side and together they managed to cram the duffel inside and lift the bin upright. They shared a satisfied smile as they heard Malda groaning in his upside-down position.

    "Come, boy. Let's take out the garbage."

    Malda tried desperately to wriggle around so that he was somewhat upright and had almost succeeded when a series of violent bumps jolted his rapidly bruising body. It took a few long seconds before he realized what was happening. At 6pm all the elevators automatically shut down, leaving the stairs as the only way of moving from floor to floor. His captors were doing little to smooth the wild ride he was experiencing and Malda tried to concentrate on how he would exact his revenge when he got himself out of his present predicament.

    Part V

    After what seemed like hours, his journey resumed on level ground. He could hear the muffled sounds of cleaners and other people moving around and conversing, but there was nothing he could do alert them to his dilemma.

    A few minutes later and the bin came to a halt as he heard Gates address someone, but he couldn't decipher what was being said. However he heard Ballmer when the lid was lifted up and something hot landed on his upturned backside, something that quickly began to burn through the canvas of his prison.

    The stench of a cigar quickly filled the confined space of the bin and then the sizzle of a lighted match caused Malda to scream with all his might.

    The duffel bag was on fire.

    "You idiot!" roared Gates as he ran for the fire extinguisher hanging on the wall. "You damn well knew he was in there!" Ballmer was struggling to get the bin onto its side so he could pull Malda out.

    Gates succeeded in putting out the fire, and he and Ballmer pulled a weakly struggling Malda out of the duffel bag.

    Inside the duffel bag Malda was trying to calm himself down. He could barely breath in his hysteria because of the gag in his mouth.

    Malda started struggling again as he felt hands trying to pull him out of the bag.

    "Malda, stay still," an indistinct voice said. "We'll never get you out of there if you keep squirming."

    Malda managed to stay still long enough to be pulled free of the duffel bag. He couldn't get his eyes to focus yet, but he felt someone release the gag. He sat gasping for air, on the edge of crying. It had finally dawned on him that he was free from the fire, and he began sobbing.

    "Malda, it's ok. The fire is out," Richard Stallman said as he pulled Malda over to his chest to hug him. "You'll be fine. I'll take care of you."

    Malda groaned when he heard his voice. Richard!

    When Malda calmed down, he lifted his head off of Richard's chest and looked around. He saw that Gates and Ballmer had been trussed up; they were lying face down on the pavement. A pudgy, pasty white skinned figure in ThinkGeek clothing stood over them brandishing an iPaq stylus.

    "Good job, Jamie McCarthy," said Stallman.

    "I hope your closed source henchmen find you before some open source geeks do!" Richard Stallman called out to Gates and Ballmer as he grabbed Rob Malda passionately around the waist and ran off.

    Part VI

    Being alone now Rob fell into Stallman's strong arms, inhaling the musky scent of his lover, one of beer and nuts and sweat. He found the other man's mouth and attacked with fury, forcing the lips apart so he could push his tongue deeply inside. He wanted to taste and feel every part of his lover he could. This seemed only like a dream to Malda, because only in his dreams did Richard let him take control, to be the hunter and not the prey. His tongue worked its way deep down Richard's throat until they were both gagging and had to break apart.

    "Come, Rob. Let's get you home." Richard said and grabbed Malda's arm and led him over the biggest motor-cycle Rob had ever seen. A shiny silver and chrome Harley Davidson stood in the moonlight, it's powerful engine purring like a lion.

    Richard took a long leather coat out of one of the saddle-bags and put it on, leaving Rob shivering in the cool night air. He climbed onto the seat, his muscular legs straddling the machine and opened his coat in invitation to Malda.

    "Well, aren't you going to move forward, Richard?" He asked, looking around the deserted lot for signs of his former captors. He regretted the action when he saw the remains of his ex-wife smeared for about a hundred yards along the path the van had taken. The van had passed through a barb-wired fence and that was where most of Diana lay, strips of bloody flesh caught on the razor sharp wire, already providing a feast for crows and rats and other scavengers of the night.

    "No. This is your seat right here, my little Robling." Richard patted the tiny area of seat in front of him. His cock was rock hard and at attention just waiting for Rob. "My little 'Freddy' is cold. It's your job to keep him warm."

    Malda considered his options, decided he didn't have any and climbed onto the bike, lowering himself onto Richard's huge cock, silently thanking Gates and Ballmer that he was lubricated and stretched. When Richard started the bike, the vibrating engine against his cock and balls almost sent him over the edge.

    Stallman saw how close his pet was to releasing his seed over the machine he had spent all afternoon washing and polishing and pulled a small metal ring from one of his pockets. He slipped it over his lover's cock, smiling at the groan of frustration that the action caused.

    He pulled the coat around both of them encasing them in its fur lined warmth and steered the bike out of the parking lot and onto the highway.

    Malda felt as if he was trapped somewhere between heaven and hell. Richard's cock stretching and filling his anus was ecstasy, sending ever greater waves of sweet pleasure surging through his body, warming him up from the inside out, from the tips of his toes to the top of his head.

    The road they were on was smooth and well maintained except for the occasional pot-hole or gravel patch. Richard did nothing to avoid these hazards. Instead he deliberately rode over them which would momentarily lift Rob up a fraction only to slam him down on the massive cock with enough force to cause him to cry out and arch his back against Richard's chest, driving them both crazy with lust and desire.

    Rob had to use both hands just to hold onto Richard's legs during the wild ride. He felt his lover snuggle up behind him, his gloved hands roaming his back and neck, sliding around to pinch sensitive nipples which soon hardened into little pebbles.

    *If Richard's hands are doing what my brain tells me they are, then who the hell is steering this thing?*

    "OH SHIT!!!!!!!"

    He realized the answer and grabbed the handle bars just before they came to a tight left curve that was at the top of a long, steep cliff. Having never ridden a motorbike he almost oversteered which would sent them crashing to their deaths down a deep narrow canyon. Luckily no vehicles were coming towards them so he had the whole two lanes to correct his mistake.

    Richard gave no sign of realizing how close they had come to death, just hugging his lover tighter and pressing passionate kisses into Rob's neck. The adrenaline rush was amazing, the fear and desire that he could smell flowing of Rob only heightened his own senses and he longed to ravage his co-rider more than just the kisses and caresses he was bestowing.

    Confident that Rob had control of the bike, Richard placed his hands on Rob's hips and drew him upwards so that the cold wind rushing by bathed most of Freddy. To his credit, Rob didn't take his eyes of the road, allowing Richard to move him up and down, off and onto his cock with ever increasing force, ramming and slamming his arse onto his cock, over and over until both men were sweating profusely and Rob was shaking with the incredible need for release. Richard had come a couple of times, depositing his seed deep inside Rob, feeling it coat his cock and drip out of his lover's rectum to pool in the coat. He scooped some up with one hand and after removing the cock ring, smothered his lover's cock and balls.

    They were on a long, flat stretch of road with no cars visible for as far as the eye could see. Tall ancient trees grew along both sides of the highway. Deer and rabbits appeared at the side of the road, staring into the bike's powerful headlight before scampering back into the forest.

    "Take my glove off, love, so I can make you feel real good."

    Rob gripped the soft leather in his teeth and pulled, revealing Richard's long slim fingers. He spat the glove out of his mouth and took two fingers into his mouth suckling and nibbling and licking, like a babe at its mother's breast.

    Just the thought of Richard's hands on his genitals was almost enough to push him over the edge, but the reality was a thousand times better than any of his fantasies. The hand was withdrawn and he felt its wet warmth envelop his balls, first one and then the other. His cock was totally ignored, letting him know that this was not going to be a quick jerk session. Instead it was turning out to be a infuriatingly slow seduction, designed to drive him crazy. He wanted to direct Richard's touches where he needed the most relief but Richard squeezed one ball savagely hard when he took a hand of the handle bar.

    "Uh uh, Rob. Just sit back and enjoy the ride." He felt Richard's warm breath in his ear, his moist tongue flicking out to suck the lobe.

    "Please, Richard. I can't take this much longer." Malda pleaded, though he knew it would not have any effect on Richard's plans.

    "C'mon. It's only been half an hour. You've lasted much longer. You can last all night and tomorrow if that's what I want." Richard placed his thumb on the tip of Rob's cock, tracing tiny circles around the head, knowing it would drive his lover crazy.

    "But I've been like this for hours with Gates and Ballmer."

    Rob was sobbing in frustration now, tears streaming down his face and obscuring his vision. He was certain that he would never ejaculate again, that he would be kept trapped in this hell for the rest of his life. He didn't see the oil slick up ahead, and even if he had, he lacked the knowledge of how to control the huge machine. As soon as the front tire hit the slick, the bike slid sideways, sending them into a terrifying spin, one that took them careening towards the edge of the cliff. He felt Richard try to regain control, but it was too late, and then men and machine, leather and metal, were airborne.

    End Section I

    • Rob Malda's Wild "Open Sauce" Geek Adventure by Metrollica [slashdot.org]

      Part VII - Section II

      Malda felt a cool breeze play across his cock and balls. Fingers fondled his sac and stroked his cock, building in intensity until he was writhing on the ground and it seemed there were hands and fingers everywhere, on his legs and feet, his chest and stomach, his arse and back, his face and throat. It was an amazing massage, sensual and relaxing and invigorating all at the same time. He heard a number of voices, though no recognizable words just grunts and groans and curious chirps and whistles. It was like a symphony, totally harmonious that seemed to come from the very forest itself.

      He tried to open his eyes, but they were held closed with soft, wet kisses and he accepted his temporary blindness, allowing his other senses to take over.

      His mouth was filled something thick and hard that spurted sweet tasting fluid deep down his throat, with powerful thrusts that forced his jaws to their absolute limit so that he barely avoided choking.

      He felt his legs lifted and separated around a large mass of muscle that settled between his thighs. Masses of wiry hair brushed against his balls and callused hands forced his knees even wider apart, exposing his anus for all too see, to poke and prod, before an authoritative growl rumbled through the cooling air. He managed to open dazed eyes long enough to see his next partner and he had to blink, to make sure that what his eyes saw was what was really there.

      *Oh shit. Microsoft employees!* He tried to scramble backwards, ignoring the waves of pleasure that surged through him, ignoring the primal, animalistic force that hungered to be taken, to be filled and stretched. He didn't get far, coming up against an MSCE's broad chest where he was held firmly.

      But did he really want to escape?

      The employee that knelt between his legs had the biggest cock Malda had ever seen. It was at least fourteen inches long and ranged from four inches at the large mushroom-shaped head to a torturous six inches at the flared base. The balls underneath were the size of billiard balls and they pulsed with the pressure of billions of sperm, impatient to start their journey.

      Another employee behind Malda grabbed him under the knees and held him wide open for the alpha male to begin his penetration. Malda closed his eyes and tried to ignore the pain as the head was forced through his tight ring of muscle with a loud pop. This was no slow seduction like he was used to with Linus and Richard. He was impaled with one vicious thrust that almost tore him in two and should have left him screaming in agony, but instead he felt his arse go tingly and slightly numb. The massive intruder continued to slide in and out like a well oiled piston, a large swelling rubbing his prostate on each stroke. His own cock was ignored and when he tried to reach out to jerk himself off, his wrists were grabbed and tied with rope then secured to a low branch above his head.

      He felt the pace and intensity of the thrusts increase and then warm semen was jetting deep inside his bowels over and over for what felt like an eternity.

      This procedure was continued over and over, a steady stream of male employees lining up to take their turn with him. A few fights broke out as patience was worn thin during the long twilight and early evening.

      Malda was shaking with exhaustion from the constant attention his battered, bruised body was receiving. He fell asleep a couple of times only to be woken when another massive cock was forced between cracked, bleeding lips. Countless numbers of females took their pleasure from him as well, mounting his constantly erect cock and riding him like he was the main attraction at a rodeo. And yet, he continued to be aroused, to orgasm again and again, over and over into pussies and cunts and arses and mouths and hands.

      *How could he be producing so much semen* he wondered during a brief lapse in the proceedings when the larger males left to get food. *Thank god* he thought. He was definitely fucked senseless, so much so that he greedily ate whatever was pushed into his mouth.

      Cold pizza, warm Coca-Cola, stale potato chips were all devoured without hesitation. He was held upright and fed large strips of raw, bloody flesh that he believe were his former Linux geek brethren, that settled like lead in his stomach.

      He could barely stay awake, leaning heavily on the arms of the employee behind him and he was relieved when he was laid down flat on his back.

      Malda heard a chorus of grunts and chirps as the Windows development team argued his fate. He was surprisingly unconcerned about what they might be planning for him, grateful just to rest and recharge his batteries.

      Only moments later he was awoken when he felt his legs drawn upwards, wrists and ankles secured. He was dragged by two of the larger MSCE's, with the rest of the group following or scouting ahead, towards an unknown destiny, deeper into the closed source world and further away from his former life as a open source Linux geek.

      Part VIII

      Malda found himself awakening, feeling a rhythmic rocking. He lay still, eyes closed, enjoying the feeling.

      "I know you're awake Malda."

      "Huh?" mumbled Malda, opening his eyes and sitting up. "Alan Cox!"

      He looked around -- He was in the back of a van. He groaned and fell back onto the floor.

      "Surprised to see me?"

      "Yeah. Ooh, my head really hurts."

      "I'm not surprised. You were almost taken in by closed source."

      "Damn," Malda muttered. He suddenly noticed that he was naked. "Uh, can I have some clothes?"

      "No." Alan moved to the front of the van; Jeff "Hemos" Bates was driving and Robin "Roblimo" Miller was pretending to be talking to someone on a cell phone.

      "Malda's gonna be ok, guys."

      Bates looked briefly back at Malda lying naked in the back. His long legs were splayed out, revealing his cock as he struggled to sit up. Bates could feel his own erection straining in his jeans.

      "Hey, Malda. Nice pose!" he said, watching Malda sit up quickly to cover himself up. He chuckled at the thought of what was awaiting Malda when they got to Torvalds's cabin secluded in the mountains.

      "Guys, this isn't fair. Don't you at least have some shorts or something I can put on? I'm cold," whined Malda.

      "You can be such a baby sometimes. We have some clothes for you, but you'll have to wait until you can bathe. You really stink!" replied Alan as he returned to the back. "I do have something you can wear in the meantime, though," he said as he pulled a duffle bag toward him. Malda groaned when he saw various leather objects in Alan's hands.

      "I'm not putting that stuff on!" Malda inched back until his back was against the door of the van. "I'll jump out right now!"

      "Don't be stupid, Malda. The door is locked and Bates is going at least 60. You'll kill yourself."

      "I don't care! I'm not doing it!"

      "You are such a liar! You wouldn't say no to Torvalds."

      *Torvalds! The geeks knew about him and Torvalds?* Malda wondered if they knew about Stallman, too.

      "Stallman as well," said Bates from behind the wheel.

      Malda slumped at that statement. They knew! He had tried to be so careful about hiding his dual life -- it seems that everybody knew about it!

      "Are you going to let me put these on?"

      Malda steeled himself. He might obey Torvalds and Stallman, but he'd be damned if he'd let this little troll tell him what to do.


      "OK, I guess it's the hard way, then. Guys! I need your help."

      Part IX

      Malda was flung against the side of the van as Bates screeched the van to a halt. Before he knew what was happening, all three geeks were wrestling with him. He struggled, but the last day's events had taken their toll. He couldn't fend them off for long. After only a few minutes Malda was kneeling in front of them, his wrists wrapped in leather cuffs attached to cuffs around his thighs; his ankles were cuffed together. A thick leather collar was fastened around his neck and a stout dog chain was hooked to the collar. Alan held the other end in his hand, fingering it as he looked at his friend, helpless and humble in front of him. Malda never seemed to know the effect he had on other people sexually. Alan had been hot for his friend ever since they first met; he had never thought he'd even have a chance until he had met Torvalds, Stallman, and Malda at a local Linux geek S&M club. Malda had been trussed and blindfolded, so he didn't know that Alan was there. He and Torvalds had struck up quite a friendship; often when Stallman was administering discipline to Malda. Torvalds would seek out Alan and watch him work on his boy toy of the moment. Torvalds had promised him that someday he'd have a go at Malda, if Stallman was willing.

      Torvalds and Stallman had approached Alan one day about Malda; they were going to give him an anklet with their marks on it, and they wanted the geeks to install a homing device in it to track their errant submissive when he was out on his crazy trips to Comp USA.

      As Bates started the van up again, Alan thought about the conversation he'd had with Torvalds this morning. Seems Malda had gotten himself into a bit of trouble with an unknown number of parties, and was currently misplaced. Stallman had him for a little while, but lost him when he wiped out. Microsoft employees were also involved. In exchange for tracking Malda down, the geeks could have him for a night. Torvalds would let them have his cabin in the mountains. Stallman would pick Rob up the next day.

      They had quickly agreed to the plan. They finally found Malda at the edge of a cliff near a forest naked and unconscious and about to be sacrificed by employees of Bill Gates. They knew the only way to save him was to show the superior programming capabilities that only open source geeks possessed.

      "Alan, please don't this," Malda pleaded, raising only his eyes to Alan's face.

      Alan smacked Malda several times on the ass with a riding crop. "Quiet. One more word and I'll gag you."

      Malda quickly lowered his eyes, wincing at the pain. Alan's voice had a different tone in it; it sounded very familiar.

      "I'm the one in charge here; the other guys have never done this before so they'll take my lead. If you're good, we'll all enjoy a nice romp when we get to your master's cabin. If not, you'll feel my wrath."

      Malda remembered where he'd heard that voice! The club! Torvalds preferred to keep to their suite, but Stallman loved to have their encounters in a large open room that could accommodate many groups. He always blindfolded Malda. Many times in that room Malda had heard Alan's voice! Alan had probably watched Stallman make Malda do all those humiliating things. The only way Malda had kept his cool in that room was not knowing how many people, if any, would ever be watching. He couldn't take the thought.

      "Get me out of this!" he cried, struggling in his cuffs; the only effect he had was to fall over on his side.

      "I warned you," growled Alan.

      He got the duffle bag and pulled out a ball gag. He grabbed Malda by the hair and quickly fixed it in place. Malda groaned and struggled against his restraints, but could do nothing. Alan pulled him upright and attached a D-ring on the back of the collar to a hook on the van wall.

      "I think you need a little decoration." He leaned forward and began to tongue Malda's right nipple. When Malda tried to pull away he pushed him against the van wall and resumed his work.

      Malda struggled to ignore Alan's tongue, but he couldn't help it. His nipple hardened and he could feel a little pulse of pleasure shoot to his groin. Alan reached into the duffle bag and pulled out a nasty looking clamp. He pinched some skin around Malda's nipple and attached the clamp. Malda could only moan as the throbbing began; he didn't struggle when Alan stimulated his other nipple and applied the second clamp. He could only whimper in protest when weights were attached to the clamps and his nipples sagged down.

      Alan pulled several other clamps out of the bag; these looked different. He reached between Malda's legs to pull out his scrotum. Malda began to mumble frantically behind the gag.

      "Don't worry, Malda. These are specially designed; they won't do any permanent damage." He handled Malda's sack carefully as he attached four clamps around the skin of the scrotum, careful not to pinch any vital bits. Tears were streaming down Malda's cheeks as he tried to master the pain.

      Alan sat back to admire his handiwork.

      "There. That will keep you until we get to the cabin." He pushed the duffel bag aside and moved to the front of the van.

      Malda knelt in the back, crying, struggling to calm down. He needed to overcome the pain, but he couldn't do it. The nipple clamps he could stand -- they were a favorite of Stallman's -- but the clamps on his scrotum were unbearable. He continued to struggle against his restraints until he slumped down exhausted. He barely remembered the last part of his trip.

      The van finally came to a stop. Alan unhooked Malda from the van wall and removed the nipple and scrotum clamps. The relief from the pain was so overwhelming Malda started crying again.

      "Will you obey me, Malda? As you would Torvalds and Stallman? Without question?" Alan asked, lifting Malda's chin to look into his eyes. Malda nodded his head vigorously, rubbing his face into Alan's palm, trying to communicate his willingness to obey.

      "Ok. I'll remove the gag and the ankle cuffs. You need to walk into the cabin for us." Malda nodded again as Alan freed his mouth and legs. Malda remained where he was, trembling and submissive. Alan pulled on the chain.

      "Get out of the van."

      Malda wiggled to get out of the van. He stood, head bowed.

      "Follow me." Alan pulled on the dog chain and Malda walked behind him. He shivered as the cold night air whisked by his naked body. He hoped the cabin was well-heated.

      Part X

      Malda looked around as he entered the cabin. Torvalds had been promising a long weekend at the cabin for months, but they never seemed to manage it. The first floor was a great room, with a kitchen at one end and a huge fireplace at the other. The second floor appeared to have several rooms. Alan led Malda upstairs.

      "The first thing you need is a bath. You smell awful!" Alan said as he led him to a large bathroom.

      "I always do," replied Malda. "What's your point?"

      "Kneel," instructed Alan. Malda knelt on the floor; he watched as Alan filled a very large whirlpool tub with hot water. Malda gasped a little when Alan removed his clothes, he was really hung! He had to have at least 10 inches of uncut cock dangling there. Alan removed Malda's restraints and the collar.

      "You're on parole, Malda. You really need a bath, so no restraints. If you're obedient, I won't put them back on. You'll serve us the rest of the night unshackled. You may answer."

      "Yes, sir. I'll be obedient."

      "Good. Now get in the tub."

      Malda sighed contentedly when he lowered himself into the hot water. It had been at least two days since this whole thing started with Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer. It was good to relax. He lay his head back and closed his eyes. He jumped when he felt Alan begin to scrub him gently with a sponge.

      "Stay still," Alan said as he washed his friend. He kept his eyes on Malda's face as he rubbed the sponge on his body; whenever he reached a sensitive spot Malda would start a little and a small smile would appear on his face.

      "I'm done. Now you do me."

      Malda took the sponge as Alan settled back into the tub. Malda poured more body wash on the sponge and began at Alan's feet. He was surprisingly muscular for a Linux geek. And that cock! Malda didn't dawdle as he finished scrubbing. When he was done, Malda sat next to Alan in the tub and began kissing and licking his nipples. Alan tangled his fingers in Malda's hair to pull his face up. He gave Malda a long, lingering kiss.

      "You have more work to do here," he finally said after breaking the kiss.

      "I do?" Malda replied.

      "Shave your legs."


      "You heard me. There's a razor right over there."

      Malda was about to protest again, but the look in Alan's eyes stopped him. He sighed as he reached for the razor.

      After a few minutes, Alan started to check Malda's legs. He ran a hand up and down both legs, checking for any missed hairs.

      "Good. Now the arms, armpits and chest."

      Malda rolled his eyes as he continued shaving. Finally, the only body hair left was his pubic hair.

      "Give me the razor and sit on the edge of the tub," demanded Alan. Malda obeyed and soon his crotch and scrotum were smooth.

      "That's good. Now let's dry off." Malda reached for a towel and dried Alan before doing himself. He stood there, nude and smooth, waiting for more directions.

      "Go get the blue tote bag in the bedroom." Malda retrieved the item.

      "Put on those clothes, then meet us downstairs." Alan left the bathroom as Malda looked into the bag.

      "No!" he said out loud, looking at the silky things. He pulled out a garter belt, white silk stockings, high heel shoes, and a silk camisole. "I can't!" He sat on the tub, staring at the things he had thrown on the floor. Torvalds had done this a few times when Malda had been particularly recalcitrant. He had even made Malda wear the camisole, garter belt and stockings under his suits to work for a week! He spent that entire week in perpetual terror of getting into an accident or having something happen where he would be exposed. Jonathan "CowboyNeal" Pater had almost seen him in his office -- the stocking on one leg had popped off the garters, and he had his pants down trying to fix it. THAT was a close call!

      Malda tried to think rebellious thoughts, planning an escape. However, he knew it was futile. He craved the discipline and submission he received from his two lovers -- although he'd never yet admitted it openly. He had a deep-seated need to obey. He reluctantly reached for the clothes.

      Part XI

      Malda stood at the head of the stairs for a moment, looking down at the living area. The geeks were sitting around a large fire, nude, drinking beer. Malda fiddled with the garter belt a little, he couldn't get it seated right. He was secretly thrilled and thoroughly ashamed at how much putting on the women's clothes had excited him. He had a huge erection that bobbed ridiculously between his legs. He rubbed the camisole over his belly and moaned a little as his cock began to leak.

      Alan looked up when he heard a moan. Malda was at the top of the stairs, hugely erect, rubbing the silky top he was wearing. Torvalds had told him that Malda loved to wear garters and stockings, but would never admit to it. When he had made Malda wear those things to work, he could barely keep Malda from molesting him in the hallway, in his office, even in the cafeteria. Their sex had been explosive each night. Alan couldn't wait for what was in store for this night.

      Malda cautiously made his way down the stairs. It usually took him a while to get the hang of walking in heels again. At the bottom of the stairs, he stood shyly, his hands behind his back, face down, blushing. Alan couldn't believe how feminine Malda looked in that attire -- except for the huge erection! He looked at his two friends. Both Bates and Miller were staring at Malda, their mouths hanging open. They were in for the time of their lives -- they didn't know what a trampy little slut Malda really was. This was going to be fun!

      "Come here, Malda," Alan said.

      "Yes, sir," answered Malda. He walked slowly to where Alan was sitting, his hips swaying as he adjusted to the heels.

      "On your knees. You know what I want."

      "Yes, sir."

      Malda knelt in front of Alan. He put his hands on Alan's thighs as he started nibbling at the foreskin. The cock was already half-erect when he started to manipulate the foreskin with his hand, gently tonguing the sensitive head. Alan hissed and clenched his fists, trying to control the urge to cum then and there. Malda began to use more of his mouth, sinking lower and lower onto the cock. Alan's cock was fully erect, the head protruding from the foreskin, pre-cum leaking down the sides. Malda ran his tongue along the sides, licking up the pungent liquid. He pulled the cock up to slide his tongue down to Alan's balls, taking each large plum into his mouth, licking along the scrotum.

      "The cock," choked Alan; his balls were too sensitive to take much stimulation. Malda began to deep throat his cock, moving down to nuzzle his nose in Alan's abundant pubes, slowly pulling up until he held the head in his mouth, nipping the rim. Alan grabbed Malda's head and began to pump his cock in and out, fucking Malda's mouth until he came with a shout. Malda struggled to swallow the copious jets of cum, but some of it leaked out the corners of his mouth and down his chin. Alan sagged back into the sofa, panting. Malda remained kneeling, meek, with cum dripping off his face. Alan sat up, grabbed Malda's hair and licked the cum off his face. He then gave him a kiss and sat back.

      "Boys, it's your turn. Malda will do anything and everything you want -- and I mean everything." Alan winked at Malda as the two other geeks moved closer to begin their fun.

      Bates and Miller' eyes burned with lust as they started to move towards a kneeling Rob Malda, who was gazing up through his eyelashes at them with a hungry gleam in his eyes. The two geeks were somewhat in awe of the silk clad man at their feet. Although his pose was submissive, the combination of the brown skin, sleekly muscled long limbs, large hazel eyes and full swollen lips; was dominating the room with his pure sexual presence.

      Alan reached over to Malda's dark silky hair to run his fingers through the rich thickness. "Don't be shy, boys," said Alan as he tightened his grip in Malda's hair and pulled his head back so Malda was then forced to look directly at Alan. The little man had not failed to notice that Malda was deliberately unnerving the other geeks with his direct looks. "Behave yourself Pumpkin."

      Malda eyes widened and he felt his entire chest and face flush with heat when Alan called him Pumpkin. Alan grinned in delight as Malda looked up at him pleadingly, "that's right, Pumpkin is what Torvalds likes to sometimes call you. It suits you." Chuckles were heard from Bates and Miller. Still keeping a hold of Malda's head with one hand Alan brought up his other hand in Malda's sight. Alan was holding in his other hand a black silk blindfold.

      "No, please Alan. Don't put a blindfold on me," whispered Malda. As long as he could see the geeks, Malda felt he had some power over them. But he knew with the blindfold that he would not be able to see what was coming, so he would have no way to mentally prepare himself for anything that was going to happen. Still grinning, Alan placed the blindfold securely around Malda's head, effectively placing Malda into a world of complete darkness.

      Malda's whole body stilled and he made an effort to silence his own ragged breathing as he tried to get a sense of his environment. Malda could feel Alan's fingers in his hair, only this time gently stroking. He could also hear Bates and Miller a few feet in front of him, the faint nervous shuffling of their feet. "Rob is going to be a good boy now, aren't you Pumpkin," Malda heard Alan say near his ear. Malda started to nod, only to tense as he felt Alan's hands lowering down his back pulling his wrists together behind his back and then wrapping something soft and silky around his wrists.

      "Stand up," said Alan.

      Malda stood up, despite the darkness or even enhanced by the lack of vision, he enjoyed the feel of the silks he was wearing shifting around his body with his movements. Alan then guided him a few metres across the room until he felt what he thought was the large wooden dining table bumping against the back of his legs. He then felt Alan's hands pushing him backwards, indicating that he wanted Malda to lie back on the table.

      Once Malda had his entire body on top of the sturdy oak table, his hands were released and then each arm was stretched above his head to be secured loosely to each corner of the table. "Miller, you take his right ankle. Bates you take the left. Tie them to the table legs, like I've done the wrists. " Malda heard Alan say.

      After a brief struggle, Bates and Miller managed to secure each ankle to a corner of the table. Malda on his back and with his legs spread and bent at the knees, could feel a draft at his exposed genitals. He felt hands stroking his legs, up his calves, then his thighs... leaving a trail of gooseflesh. In the darkness Malda could not tell which geek man's hands were stroking the soft inner side of his thighs, his abdomen and gently tweaking his nipples. Malda could now hear a very low toned moan, was surprised to realise it was coming from himself.

      It was starting to madden him the way the geeks were touching all of his flesh except for the area between the thighs and abdomen. Malda was now aching and hard, the sensitive head of his penis was hyper aware of the drop of pre-come that was leaking.

      CRASH!!!! BANG! BANG! SHATTER!!! BANG! The silken ties dug into the flesh of his wrists and ankles as his body jumped upward in shock. His hands tried to clutch frantically at the table as the table under him seemed to roll upwards then down, as if at sea. He could still hear the tinkling of broken glass. "Alan! What's happening! Take the blindfold off!" shouted a panicked Malda. Only to hear the frightened screams of all three geeks. "Bates? Miller? What's happening, what's happening," continued Malda. It seemed the geeks were now moving away from him as their own panicking voices drifted away.

      "Guys... where are you going? Don't leave me here, please don't leave me here." Malda could still feel the table shifting under him and he could also hear a groaning and creaking between the crashing and banging sounds, that he could only assume was the house.

      Then suddenly... Silence, darkness, and stillness.

      Malda was alone in complete darkness. He knew the geeks were nowhere near. He became aware of his own quick breaths, the only sound. He strained to hear something, anything else, but he could not hear a thing. Malda started to move his body around, trying to figure out how to release himself from the bonds. The effort was futile, he was securely tied to the table, and the table was way too heavy for him to move it. After about a full minute of listening to himself breath, Malda was once again thrust into terror as a sudden bright light penetrated the blindfold.

      • Part XII

        "Don't undo the blindfold," heard Malda. The bright light that briefly shown in his eyes was gone. He couldn't figure out whose voice it was, and he started to squirm, trying to release his arms and legs from their bindings.

        "Stop that!" barked a voice; Malda could hear that the voice was electronically altered. He started to tremble, but his erection was as stiff as ever.

        "I guess our little tart here is enjoying this, wouldn't you say?" said another, higher-pitched voice. He felt a hand gently stroke his penis. "Do you want to come, baby?"

        Malda groaned at the stimulation. "Yesss, I do want to come!"

        "Well, it ain't gonna happen!"

        Malda yelped when the hand that had been so gentle before roughly grabbed his testicles and bound a leather lace tightly around his scrotum. He cried out and began to struggle again.

        "If you don't stop moving, you're going to really feel some pain," hissed the deeper-voiced person.

        Malda couldn't stop writhing on the table; the past few days had caught up to him emotionally. He was tired and frightened and missed his lovers so much. He began to cry softly behind his blindfold.

        One of his tormentors began stroking his belly through the silk teddy he was wearing, and leaned over to kiss him. Malda leaned into the kiss, smelling a familiar scent.

        "Richard?" he whispered against the warm lips.

        "Yeah, baby, it's me," Richard replied, moving his hand from Malda's stomach up to his neck. He had stopped speaking into the voice box. Malda sobbed with relief, knowing that he would be OK now; if Richard were here, that meant the other voice was Torvalds.

        "Richard, you've ruined my little plan," grumbled Torvalds, also tossing out the voice box. "We were supposed to teach Rob a lesson about obedience, and you fall for the first set of tears."

        "Shut up, Linus, Rob has been through a lot. A little mercy couldn't hurt." "We're still going to punish him."

        "Fine, fine, you're the one in charge." Richard reluctantly pulled away from his lover's mouth, rubbing his thumb over Malda's lower lip. Malda dipped his head down to catch the thumb, suckling it.

        "Now, Rob, I'm sorry. You know how disobedient you've been over the past couple of days. None of this would have happened if you'd followed Linus' orders and come home on time."

        "I know, I'm sorry," pleaded Malda. "I promise, I won't do it again, honest."

        Torvalds walked over to the head of the table and grabbed Malda's chin, pushing his head back as far as he could. Malda shook his head, trying to release it from Torvalds's strong grip.

        "Rob, you have deliberately been disobeying me. You've let practically everyone we know fuck you."

        "I'm sorry, Linus, I'm really sorry." Malda stopped suddenly when Torvalds pinched the sides of his jaws.

        "I've been trying to help you, Rob. What do you think all this training has been for - the strap, the cuffs, and the rules? It's been for your own good. You are not able to control your penis and ass - apparently anyone can come by and have their way with you. Is that anyway to treat yourself? Or Richard and I? We thought we were your lovers, but obviously we're just a back-up plan for you in case some stranger doesn't come by, throw you over your desk and fuck your ass. Is that how you see us?" Linus tightened his grip on Malda's neck; he roughly grabbed and twisted Malda's nipple.

        "Aaahh! No, I love you and Richard - I'm not a slut!" cried Malda.

        "Your behavior seems to prove otherwise, Rob," Torvalds replied, twisting Malda's nipple again.

        "I'm sorry, Linus, what more do you want me to say?"

        "You will say no more tonight, Rob. I'm not going to gag you - you need to discipline yourself. For every word I hear that isn't just a cry of pain you'll spend 15 minutes in the public room of the club naked with no blindfold, available for anyone who comes by and wants a go at you. Do you understand? Just nod - we're starting now."

        "Wal-" Stallman clapped his hand over Malda's mouth, stopping him from finished the word. Torvalds glared at Richard but let it go.

        "Rob, you must not think I'm serious about this. I said, do you understand me?"

        Malda nodded his head, fresh tears slipping under the blindfold.

        "Part two of your punishment - for the next month you will wear your prettiest lingerie to work and Linux conventions under your clothes - a teddy, garter belt, panties and stockings. Good thing we went shopping last week. Of course, this little outfit Alan bought you is quite nice. I won't check everyday, but of course you'll never know when I will. And I really like this clean-shaven look - Alan was right about that after all. You will keep that up indefinitely - I love the way it feels. Got it so far?"

        Malda moaned his assent.

        "Of course, you'll also have to strictly obey all the rules that currently exist. Last week you were getting very sloppy - you weren't keeping our apartment clean and you missed quite a few meals. I'm not going to go hungry again."

        Malda started writhing again, miserable. He hated all the rules imposed on him. He was never very good at disciplining himself and Torvalds seemed determined to turn him into some sort of robot. The cleaning schedules, all the meals he had to cook, bathing Torvalds and Stallman - he hated being a slave! The only good part was the sex. Well, that was a real big part of it. "Do you understand all of what I'm telling you?"

        Malda nodded.

        "Good. I'm not going to let even the smallest infraction of the rules go unpunished." Torvalds started stroking Malda's smooth leg, marveling at how good it felt with no hair. He should have taken Alan's advice long ago. Malda jumped when Torvalds's hand reached his swollen, dripping penis. "Rob, your ability for self-deception is amazing. I know right now inside of your head you hate my guts for every rule and punishment I bestow on you -but your penis tells the real story. You were born to be a slave to your men - and a slave you will remain."

        Malda whimpered, his hips arching while Torvalds stroked up and down his penis. He knew Torvalds was right, but he would never admit it out loud. Richard began kissing Malda again, feasting on the swollen lower lip he loved so much.

        "I love you, babe," he said, sinking his tongue deep into Malda's mouth. He moved his hand down to Malda's abused nipples and lightly stroked them through the silk until they had hardened.

        "Let's drop the leaves from the table," Torvalds said, his own hard-on threatening to burst through his pants. He and Stallman dropped the leaves at each end of the table, allowing easy access to Malda's mouth and ass. "What about the blindfold?" Stallman asked.

        "Leave it on. We're going to save our little surprise for last," Torvalds replied, stripping out of his clothes. His hairy, muscular body was already gleaming with sweat. He took a tube of lubricant from his knapsack and applied some to Malda's ass. He easily sunk two fingers in; Malda pushed down hard on his fingers, trying to move them deeper.

        "Hold on, baby, you'll get your fucking, I promise." Torvalds nodded to Stallman to continue.

        Stallman pushed Malda's head down below the table and opened his mouth with his thumbs. He thrust his own erection into Malda's mouth all the way to the root. Malda was very good at deep-throating - he could take either of his lovers' cocks to the hilt with no problem. Stallman began a steady in and out rhythm, enjoying the movement of Malda's lips and tongue around his cock.

        Torvalds pushed Malda's thighs up, exposing more of his ass. He placed the head of his cock against Malda's anus and slowly pushed it in. Malda groaned as the large organ filled him completely; he loved being fucked at both ends at the same time. It made him feel like he was going to be split in two. Torvalds and Stallman reached their orgasms simultaneously, both slamming deep into Malda's body to release their semen. Malda couldn't swallow all of Stallman's cum; some of it leaked out of his mouth. He lay gasping, his own penis feeling like it would split open at any moment. He knew from long experience that it would be hours before Torvalds would let him cum. Malda heard a soft voice ask a question, be he couldn't understand the question or the answer Torvalds rumbled. He felt the leaves of the table being raised. He lay panting, trying to control his desire to scream at Torvalds to let him come.

        Malda jumped when he felt two hands untie the laces around his scrotum. The hands started stroking his penis and balls. He moaned and thrashed against his bonds, it felt so good. He let out a loud cry when his cum began spurting out of his penis onto his chest. He almost blacked out at the pleasure.

        A few moments later, he roused again. Stallman was taking off the blindfold. Malda raised his head to see who had stroked him to such a glorious orgasm. To his horror, he saw that it was his mother!

        Part XIII

        "No, not my mom!" he cried. He fought against the bindings but only suceeded in tightening the knots. He was about to cry out again when Stallman again clamped his hand over Malda's mouth.

        "That's an hour in the club room Rob. Or did you think I was joking?" Torvalds laughed as he clinked champagne glasses with Mrs. Malda whose face was just sparkling with pleasure.

        "Malda, Torvalds said I could join the club!" said Mrs. Malda and laughed at Malda's look of horror. "I've had quite a few fantasies about getting you under my control, son, and now I'll be able to live them out!"

        "NO!!!!!" screamed Malda.

        "That's one hour and fifteen minutes, Rob," chuckled Torvalds. He linked arms with Mrs. Malda and Stallman and walked toward the kitchen.

        "Fuck you! You're all bastards!"

        "That's 2 and a half hours, Rob. So Mrs. M, how long were you interested in staying?"

        The End
  • i think that is why this system of posting at -1 was invented. And it works. So quit your conspiracy theorie and start fucking.

    (+37 karma on this account by karmawhoring)

"I prefer the blunted cudgels of the followers of the Serpent God." -- Sean Doran the Younger
