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Journal vidstudent's Journal: Explanation of the Ballad of Shame and Wasted Lives

Well, since I have a free second before work, I figure I'll tell all one of you who might be listening about The Ballad. See, around, oh, the summer of 1996, there was this thing called the Multiverse Video Fighters' Council, an offshoot of Sean Givan's Dream Tournaments on the USENET group A quick check of the feedback link from that Wayback Machine page will reveal a rather large group of people talking about...well, generally video games, but just about anything was game. Short answer: We're still talking.

Since then, we've had a few meetings - once for a wedding, and a couple other times at OTAKON, the anime convention so big, it got a video game character named after it. In fact, we're about ready to take the next step...

...yeah, you guessed it. We're having a get-together just for us. It will be cool.

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Explanation of the Ballad of Shame and Wasted Lives

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